*corrected a minor spelling mistake , thanks to @Dyver_Phycad
*corrected the pwnage of a powerfull PC, thank to @Ralph_King-Griffin
*made some more adjustments based on community input. My lawyer said to add this so at least the community can be blamed in part of the EVE Online meme of 2018. Only 1 like for the 343 views (from the time I wrote this)… I should have added Ultra Chads likes awesome posts…
What if I cannot stand both of these idiots? Both are stupidly obnoxious in their own ways all the time.
Is that point about being good at grammar supposed to be irony? Your Chad really needs a lesson or two in that regard.
I guess then you are a snowflake …?
… Just kidding, probably just a more self-aware capsuleer.
PS: EVE Online can’t be condensed to two types, it’s probably the only game that is inclusive to every possible play-style existing… (and I corrected the original mistake)
Powerful PC,
Only runs eve at 60fps.
Mate, what do you consider a slow PC like a big abacus?
Im curious to see were this goes.
Toward a better community and a forum where people post in a respectfull and constructive way!
ps: That’s what I dream of every night… but then I wake up and make posts…
I want to know how Chad plays with his mouse disconnected?
And who plays left handed anyway?
A gooey one.
He probably just plays a bumping alt there. And does it hardcore with the keyboard’s “up”, “down”, “left”, “right”.
Chad can play left handed and still beat you in 1v1 PVP.
Edit : I made it a right handed wireless mouse
Sorry, but Chad is too fit and the other guy is too skinny, for either of these to be EVE players.
+200 pounds each plox.
I assume the “all carebears are poor” assumption was put forth to make people believe they could only be rich out in null sec.
The propaganda machine for this statement still runs as it has since I started.
Can’t expect an unbiased analysis from a meme, now can you? o7
It’s supposed to divide a community with a lot of individuals into a bipolar one.
Its more of a continued drum beat around these forums.
It was symbolical… but you are right… I’ll see what I can do to make it look more ‘immersive and realistic’
it doesn’t say a single thing about high or null sec. I fit most of the chad descriptions and almost all my stuff is in highsec. But if you run low effort content and try to hide from other players well you probably aren’t going to get rich playing eve that way. Plus if you are actually rich you probably don’t care about some unexpected pvp, and wont go whining about game mechanics.
Post was flagged so deleted
I am pretty certain people associate carebears and hisec pretty close together.
Also hisec is where you can virtually avoid all pvp.
Yes thats correct can be years between ship explosions if you do it right.
Are you classified as a capsuleer?
–Negative, Gadget is a meat Popsicle.
Just want to say…
I gank in potato mode on a laptop.