Remove concord and make a separate activity of it for players.
It would be funny to see questions like “how much isk/h is being a policeman”.
i had a similar idea several years ago but that was focused on titans due to the size of the ship
Make astrahuses easier to kill. Because the current timers are stupid
Remove a fair bit of offensive capabillities from interceptors and make them cheaper. Interceptors should be for tackling, not be an almost uncatchable form of DPS
I proposed it many years ago. Sort of player-driven militia where anybody enlisted in it, if in game, could receive a call if somewhere crimes has happened, and if he clicks “Respond”, he is instantly “clon-jumped” into a police ship and can warp to target. Upon its elimination, he is clon-jumped back to his main clone (all jumps are free of any limitations). While he is absent, his former ship still keeps all skill bonuses active capsuleer provides. If nobody jumps in, AI takes over.
But there were a lot of solid objections to that. First, it’s another option for any easy, “fast-food” PvP, without any backfire for you (you use free NPC ship and another clone, so your implants are safe). Second, it just won’t work. It will be relatively easy to corrupt the whole system by infiltrating it with, say, alts of suicide gankers. And actually it bears little sense, as Concord is so overpowered anyway so it doesn’t matter whether it’s controlled by player or not. And the system is already in place, as well - you can form your “player-drive police units” in low/nulls right now, just do it.
There is one thing which still may make some sense. If CCP would create special tools, available only to sov controllers, perhaps. Like, if a certain (very expensive and requiring a lot of fuel) module is placed at some citadel, it can become a “local militia station”. Then, you still must ensure there are enough of hulls and equipment of any kind at this citadel, assigned exclusively for this task (can’t be used while they are “dedicated to militia calls”). This stuff is used to assemble ships militia members will use when answering to calls. All other equipment must be provided as well. Like, if you want that any militia member jumping into to respond to a call would have a certain set of implants, you must “dedicate” a stash of those to the module as well. Then if the said player still doesn’t have a ready clone at this “militia station” (like, he lost it during his previous call), it will be created for him, and all implants will be injected automatically.
So, upon receiving a call, anybody who belongs to this alliance, if their current active clone is within its claimed space, have option to dock at the nearest citadel, and initiate jump to any “militia station” where they will be immediately placed into hull they will select (from a list of “militia doctrine hulls”, and only if there are enough of equipment at this base to assemble it) and be able to respond to a call.
There perhaps could be some limitations, like a cooldown timer of some sort, similar to jump fatigue, or limit for the number of “militia base jumps” per day.
Some notes to militia idea above:
As such calls by definition must see a very quick response. The whole process must be very well optimized and straightforward. Here is how I see it may be implemented.
- An attacked corpsmante, or just any corpsmate who observe enemy forces entering your sov space, may click “Alert” button.
- Any ally with an active clone in this sov space see a notification and hear a sound, and if interested may click on it, entering “militia staging room”
- The room is a new dialog window, with a chat box, an information box containing information supplied by the caller (if caller is being attacked, all visible to him attacking ships with its pilots are automatically displayed there; otherwise, he can drag and drop anything there, as usual) and a list of militia stations closest to the caller. You can select any base, see the list of available doctrines there (“caldari ceptor”, “typhoon armor tank”, “Manticore(torps)”, etc) and available clone presets (with different implants), and you can observer in real-time what other militia members have selected so far, so if you see they took only HACs, you may decide to take over tackling role, or at least write to chat “Hey, guys, take ceptor smbdy!”. You can pre-select hull and clone there as well. Thus you are already arranging your emergency fleet’s composition, while some of you may still be on the way to the station from which they’ll be able to jump to militia base, no time is lost.
- Upon arrival at station, you may already have a complete militia squad agreed upon with all roles distributed, just click “Respond” button and jump to the pre-selected base, appear there in a assembled vessel and are ready to undock.
A word on equipment. A more efficient distribution of those assets would be achieved if they are not assigned to specific player. So when you select a specific hull and clone you want to use in this call, if such hull and clone exists there already (because it was assembled on demand for somebody else in previous militia call, and wasn’t destroyed, thus that other guy returned it to the station before jumping back), you just are given it. Thus many different players may use a certain set of assets at this militia station collectively.
This all system should be also allowed in lowsec space, though I’m not sure how to limit its range, as there is no claims there. Though I believe there is that FW mechanic allowing you to have some territorial control as well, may be it could be used.
I know it sounds ridiculous but a more free system is what I imagined.
A bit like your militia station concept. It could look like mission running from the perspective of the policemen. It could work very well in low sec. Where it’s a crime to attack someone but not punished immediately.
There could be a window for it, only accessible for high security status players. You could get immediate information on a crime and the suspect. Maybe you could see the location of the suspect for some time. And there should be a reward for killing the suspect. Like a fast bounty system.
So of course the police killing the criminal is not guaranteed. There could be a hole pirate fleet. So there should be a police chat too.
It’s basicly a pvp activity with this real use/theme.
If I could change one thing it would be CCP’s pandering to the carebears.
We need reasons to undock too
Random wormhole generator.
Long minute-plus activation where you’re immobile, long recharge, requires a bomb-sized charge in the hold, throws up a warpable beacon like a cyno, but generates a wormhole to a random system that dissipates after 30 minutes.
Add some constellations of systems that are only available via this wormhole mechanic initially, then players can build gates back to K-Space if they choose to claim the space like pioneers and not rely on the milk of mother highsec or sov.
These constellations should contain something of value (player drifter ship BPC’s maybe?) and while I don’t trust players to name systems appropriately, CCP erecting monuments dedicated to the pioneers who establish the initial gates back home may be appropriate as a permanent achievement.
I would give the Chimera a 3% bonus to Fighter Hit Points per level.
What would I change if I could?
I’d destroy every ship left in space each downtime. I figure since the players can’t be bothered to do that part of the trifecta ( extract/build/destroy), I might as well take it upon myself to deal with it.
Mr Epeen
Like another poster, my answer would be “nothing really”. EVE isn’t perfect but if I were in charge of it I’d be more afraid of messing up a good thing that has endured where most of it’s kind has failed/died than I would be trying to ‘improve’ something.
Ironically, CCO trying to ‘improve’ the game is what leads to threads like this (full of people who would change or erase those ‘improvements’) in the 1st place…
Yea… Why only CCP didn’t enforce this rule 15 years ago? Just look at how it all ended up like, what a horrible sight! And btw, who ever told them we may need something better than Windows 95? And know what, folks? Better be safe than sorry, so never, ever allow any science guys into our military facilities’ network. Who knows what it may turn it into many decades later?
Here is what I would change in EVE:
- Remove Fozzie Sov
- Reduce jump fatigue
- Remove all but one timer on all structures
- Remove “Asset Safety”
- Add a minigame to mining that rewards those who are not AFK with slightly higher yields
- Allow structure kills to count towards kill marks (personal request)
- Create new missions (all levels, and all types) to improve variety in PvE
- Allow corpse refining, to create biomatter and potentially recover lost implants
- More CCP staff-lead events in highsec
Certainly not for hs/lows, this will just make citadels useless mostly, very few folks will be storing anything of value in them, thus they won’t be trade hubs and production centers.
We definitely don’t need more stuff produced, so I would lower the overall yield, but for those who solve those puzzles, playing actively, would return the yield to its current amount.
I believe it’s excessively time consuming to just increase amount of static missions. Instead they should have developed some engine which will generate dynamic mission, so you’ll have an almost uncountable amount of possible scenarios. Also, the content of those scenarios must vary greatly each time. So one time you may encounter a squads of stealth bombers waiting for you at different random spots, and the other time you’ll be jammed, and in the next room your cap will be drained etc. It also would be much, much more interesting if Eve would finally start to take into account objects of the location, so you wouldn’t been able to shoot through stuff, that would allowed for multitudes of interesting tactical situations… But that probably won’t ever happen.
Creating dynamic missions is quite easy imo. Its the immersion and reasons for the variation, the backstories and characters, that make for a good mission sequence. Ive killed Zor 6, 119 times at least. Its how many of those crappy implants I have stashed away. This isnt immersive nor varied.
Changing the number of spawns, waves, ships and types is fairly easy but giving me a REASON to go out there day after day isnt. But then in many cases players dont want this, look at null sec anoms. Same anoms, spawns, not even unique NPC ships unless you get into officers. Whereas high sec missions at least have some variation with named NPC characters you end up killing the same ones.
So either we, as players, need to give up the idea that it will be immersive in order to code or by forcing a “polished and finished” mission system that requires a huge lore base with specific reasons for engaging this group or that or having engaging choice options with interesting consequences which is insanely hard to write and create in the amounts players need.
IMO cant have one without the other.
- Redesign mining (minigame or manegment with drilling platform instead of barges and rorqs).
- New combat mechanics where personal skill in fleet fight have a value instead of F1-monkey-aproach. May be limit DPS income (and repair incomr as well) to the ship like we have on citadels. This will allow to call multiple primaries so you can manage your own survival in fleet fights.
- Redesign planetary infrastructure - it is time to give us the option to build own colony wih population manegment, some random weather events and etc. Mini simcity.
- NPC mercenaries that you can control. Fit special ships for them and give orders for some PvE activites (like Garrison in WoW). Other players could find them (scan for example) and kill.
- More ships with some modes like t3d. It is good idea and i dont know why CCP not use it.
Tbh, I think lore aspect must not be accounted for at all. We need to aim at replayability, we can’t have both, not with CCP’s resources, for sure. There still could be missions with huge and rich lore, but they must be sort of rare story missions, or it will quickly get old. Also, to some extent, lore could be auto-generated as well, if you wish, to correspond to “theme” and structure of randomly-generated mission complex. It will be still boring and simple, but better than nothing, perhaps. Anyway, with static mission approach, lore is of no use, as (you said it yourself) it’s getting old quickly and you stop care about it completely. And CCP certainly won’t be able to write thousands of good lore-rich plots for thousands of different static or dynamic missions.
- Blue Donuts make it impossible to allie anyone brings more sand to the box
2.Remove Fatigue
3.Make smartbombing Drones.
4.Make 2 more races cause 4 is to boring
add ultra low option in settings that turned eve into a text game (with window manager option too) [no 3d stuff on the setting]
Walking In Ships!
Screw Stations.
–Gadget fights the pod leash