Kyon the only issue I have is the last. That if balanced PvP exists that people will rush to it is untrue. N+1 still exists. This is the unbalancing nature even if the fleets are the same otherwise.
In a slug fest, where skills, ships and other factors are the same, the largest fleet simply wins.
As others have stated, its not about perfect 50/50, its about having at least some chance some times and a lot more close fights / battles.
In another mass PvP game I play it is a pride and joy to have a PvP raid consisting of 30-40 players and taking on and completely wiping 80-100 players. It takes a good amount of player skill from each individual team member on top of running decent builds and be top notch in their teamplay.
This aspect is completely missing from Eve. The last and only time I have seen anything like this was back in the days of Rooks’n’Kings and the pipe bombing of the mass null blobs. There needs to be more stuff like this, and also player skill has to consist of far more then resource (cap, shield, armor, hull) and target management. The only 2 things in this game that are a little bit skillful are use of transversals and sig tanking and transversal is not very useful due to amount of bubbles, scrams and webs on the battlefields. Either transversals need to made easier to use, buffed, or webs / scrams need to get nerfed.
Need more of these types of things.
LOS mechanics would be a start. A frig behind a battle ship should break LOS for weapons for example which it currently doesn’t and also break direct scan methods, thus detarget, double that if the BS is active and engaging weapons, MWD, etc. etc. that should interfere with scanners and sensors of all sorts.
Likewise a ship should be able to hide behind a large asteroid or large enough structure to hide it. It should not pop up on overview, or at least have some additional targeting restrictions like take 3x longer to target if its an object which is considered to greatly impede sensors, 2x longer if just a simple obstruction.
Friendly fire should be followed right behind LOS changes. O, you want to shoot those XL guns right through your own blob at that enemy ship at their front ? Sure … go right ahead … This would require combat formations and people having to actually use their brains instead of just blob up on the leader like lemmings and focus targets 1 by 1.
Also needed is an instant self destruct that does a ton of damage in point blank range and the damage diminishes the further it gets. This should not exceed ganking capabilities but should definetly be noticable.
There are many more things that come to mind. But overall PVP here needs to be more skillbased on both tactical and individual player level. The only level that is good is the strategic, tactics are barely OK on small scale, majorly suck and almost useless in large scale, and individual player skill is meaningless in large scale.