When is CCP going to crack down on the multibox bullies and botter in ice fields?

Agreed…the selection of all three makes for a good risk/reward balance…

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I do want them to die more easily.

The game was stepped up to the point that few are ganked. Imagine if hauling in a freighter was so difficult/expensive that only a few did it.

I think we can nerf the tank a bit before it becomes unattractive. And i think we should make it easier for smaller groups to gank, especially since wardeccing has been taken even further away from small groups.

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You are wrong. Let me take the multi-boxer ice miner, many of them operate multi-boxed fleets of ganking catalysts too, the Skiff enables me to actually mine ice and be too tough for them. Nerfing the skiff will make it even easier for these multi-boxers to get a clear run on ice belts.

Let me repeat it for you, I sometimes go and mine ice belts to annoy these multi-boxers by mining the ice in tanked skiffs.

When is CCP going to crack down on the multibox bullies and botter in ice fields?

They already did - several years ago when they banned input broadcasting. Prior to that, we had 50 ship multibox fleets. Then as now, the mining fleets anchored on the Orca and were easily disrupted by bumping.

Eve is a social game of player interaction - a small group can discourage the multiboxers by having a bumper on guard to disrupt the fleets - eventually they will go somewhere else. Nowadays you can’t even be wardecced unless you own a structure.

Another option is move to higher risk space. Again, it’s easier and more effective if you’re part of a group.

Your aware some of us actually use multiple characters for pvp also?

I dont see you guys coming to play with us? does that mean weve won eve?

Use max yield ships like a real miner! :smiley:

(we had that one already :blush:)

Seriously though … in the beginning the increase of tank on the skiff made sense. What you’re missing is that the situation since then completely changed and at this point it’s not actually good anymore. The huge tank is, at this point in time, starting to cause more problems than solutions.

What I notice about your views is that you’re kind of stop accepting the fact that changes can be needed at a later point in time. That’s not how things work, though. In the current meta the skiff is horribly overpowered, empowering lazyness, lack of attention and botters/multiboxers.

I can say that, because unlike the whiners we’ve actually went out of our ways to ruin their days. In the end, though, it’s useless, because we can’t actually give them what would punish them the most:

Meaningfull losses!

When a single ship encourages you to be lazy, to be afk and enables you to to punish the little guy on a massive scale, then change should be considered a viable option. I understand that not everyone is using the skiff, but the multiboxxers do. No one should be able to hide behind massive amounts of EHP making it really hard, or outright impossible for some, to kill them.

It’s weird that you don’t argue for “the little guy” this time, who is clearly on the downside here compared to all the potentially RMTing assholes who hoover up all the ice pretty much uncontested. You and us are, in no way or form, common.

If not tank, what about capacity?

That’s what a mining orca is for. True, on ice, it is really marginal as a solo miner … about 17.1 m3/sec with augmented drone vs 19.1 (both give or take) for a maxed endurance. But, it really has the capacity. Although, no-one uses endurance on ice in hisec, so comparative performance of the orca is actually even worse.

It’s true too that in my observation during 20 months of flying that solo ice orcas are quite rare now. Compared with when I started. Whereas dual, or multi-boxing is almost the norm now on ice. The best compromise I’ve found as a solo pilot is a max fit skiff, flying augmented drone with a drone mining rig. This yields almost exactly 2.5 lasers, which is perfect for a 15-unit cargo hold, and is most efficient idf used to jet can for 60-90 min then haul with orca. Other pilots seem too lazy to flip cans, so this has worked so far.

I wish it wasn’t.

The orcas yield was another bad idea.

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I can’t comment on whether it was good or bad, not being familiar with eve before the mining orca.

Certainly, the only reason for my flying an orca in the first place is I put a crash-stop to training my freighter alt when I realized the orca was actually a much better hauler for me. And because training it was based on a mining platform it made more sense to train for it on my main. That said, once it came to may attention the orca could be used to mine (but only if using a dedicated = rigged version) this also stopped me considering going dual box, because of the built-in capacity. This was all until last weekend. And the start of triple SP on start-up if you buddy invited yourself. So, I did, and dual box works really well using even a three-day old, fail-fit ice covetor on ice. And I suspect dual or multi-boxing is only going to increase, despite the OP’s protestations.

I do, it is in the Orca and I switch based on threat level.

There is a real impact in terms of yield as compared tank, many people use a skiff and fit for yield and mining efficiency and people should check more of the fits instead of going Skiff, I can’t kill it.

My definition of the correct level of the Skiff tank was to enable me to survive an attack by one of the main CODE aligned mult-boxers or these Ice mining multi-boxers using 13 Catalysts. Currently I see no reason to change that point of view.

I have never whined about them, I just mine what I can. I assume that the amount I mine with two skiffs will irritate them, but they can’t do much about me. For example the last one I came across had all of his characters in NPC corps.

Except when that ship had a significantly lower yield. I do switch on the fly to a max yield Hulk. But as soon as I perceive a potential threat I go back to the skiff. And it annoys me to lose yield.

It is a different perspective, because I have two accounts so I am the little guy, I meet some guy who has 13 plus accounts who can field that number in catalysts and he can’t do anything against me the little guy as I can use the Skiff.

15k m3 is fine in terms of warping back and forth a certain amount of time if using twin skiffs, most of the time I mine with an Orca and a Skiff / Hulk so the capacity makes no difference and if you look at the multi-boxing ice miners all they do is set up a MTU and drop cans in order. You will have no effect on them at all.

Actually it mines a hell of a lot less than my less than optimized character in a tanked skiff with one mining upgrade and T1 strip miners, I worked out that it in real life use that it mines at about 60% of that skiff and character. If anything the yield is too low. The only time I feel it is worth using specifically to mine is if you want to be very inattentive with ice or 0.5 moon mining.

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Can’t it be both?

Sure it can! But like I say, I’m not going to give it a whole lot of credibility until the emphasis is put on the really damaging bot/bot aspirants instead of the little guys who are the easy pickings.

I mean, just think of all the good you’ll do and cash you’ll save by doing the occasional Mach bumping roam instead of kamikaze Cats :wink:

But then again, I’m not going to tell anybody what they should or shouldn’t do- it’s your game to play, do what keeps it entertaining.

Ehhhhhh, I think explosions do more good. That does sound fun, though.

i love that you quoted the misspelling too.


The misspelling is what makes it :stuck_out_tongue:


If you could only wardec social corps full of bots other people in game could take care of this for you…

In Raravoss there is a multi-boxer ice miner type who I think is linked to PHEW and all of his characters are in NPC corps. It makes no difference because you could not war dec him before.

You should need more than 13 cats to gank a skiff? Hahaha :joy:. Carebears like you destroyed this dead game with your risk averse constant crying


Hahaha so says the player who bored himself out of the game, well played.

I am in a Skiff now, so come and kill me, too tough for you I bet! But you are too lazy to group up with other players to come kill me which is why you cry and whine for the Skiff to be nerfed like a wet and sappy little carebear. And you are definitely a carebear to me, Kusion is too.

NB whining and crying = flagging innocuous comments wtg losers.