When is the Triglavian event going to end? CCP's timescale?

the pod killing is the single dumbest part of this, if it just cost you your ship no big deal, but with almost no latency and a 1gb connection and PC 10x over spec for this game i got ganked by them also once. It is a really stupid game mechanic, and if it were in the game when i started i never would have kept playing.

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Well, I have simillar issue here. I am returning pilot, playing this game reoccuringly for 10 years. I am based in low sec, at the narrow route that is now locked on both sides by trigs, I have no way to hunt EDENCOM even to get my standings with trigs better (no other systems with EDENCOM activity…). I do have lots of assets in between, not really happy to haul any of those through W-space (risking basically 2bln of assets in the process), which currently seems to be an only viable-ish option.

I cant fly through just in shuttle/pod either, as those systems are done for now and I amy get podded easily (loosing implants in a process). So I am basically damned to stay in this space or forget about assets… or start from scratch? That is very bad content creation as it is now making me rethink the idea of pruchasing omega. Also, got few friends who also wanted to join me and play, and they feel pretty overwhelmed by what is going on.

The event is fine in principle, reshape’ing thinkg sounds fun, but now it is simply annoying, especially for players comming back who didnt has a chance to react.

I also hope event will end and we will get a chance to play normally, otherwise it is very dicouraging atm.


If you do some scanning you might find a direct K-space to K-space wormhole that doesn’t go through W-space. Would that solve your problem?

That is my daily job now in fact…

Although it is a loss of a good low sec pocket, but nevertheless - ability to haul loot out and resupply should be sufficient.

Its not.

Only with a specific ship, fit in a specific way, can you instalock pods.

Thats right. Someone made a ship specifically fitted and used for the sole purpose of instalocking pods. It literally sucks at everything else and cannot do anything else on its own in a good capacity.

Thats how things should work. You should have specific ships that excel in one thing but sucks in every other thing.

I think he is referring to the Triglavians podding players - not to PvP podkilling.


I thought that was temporary and fixed. I went through many triglavian systems in the past few months and they didnt catch me, and i was in a cruiser.

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Yes, they fixed the god guns. Nonetheless, some of us feel that NPCs have no business shooting at player pods - that such a special interaction should be reserved for other players.

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But this complaint really didnt come up that often when the drifters were podding players. Infact, it was treated as interesting lore instead.

Besides, why are people dying in pods? They instawarp, and are very hard to catch, unless youre afk.

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Bubbles are nasty :wink:

That’s what I wrote many times on this forum. CCP doesn’t care for returning players nor their assets. They do everything and at all costs to fix economy/reshape the EVE universe but throw the baby out with the bathwater in the process.

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It isn’t that they don’t care - they do care - they cared enough to give out a free piñata party to the structure bashers. It wasn’t an oversight or negligence. I do think they were hoping to get more headlines, though.

This was exactly my issue. I had zero qualms losing my ship, i went through the system thinking, ahh worst case i lose my ship and cargo, no biggie. I stupidly assumed ‘optional’ events interacting with NPCs in high sec didn’t include pod killing.

The sad part is i just avoid the few systems where Trigs set up permanent shop now, which is really annoying as it cuts off half of lonetrek which is where i base out of.

I just feel risking your pod should be reserved to pvp or low/null sec pve. As in you choose the risks your willing to take based on the systems you choose to fly through. The entire trig event would have been fine by me if not for pod killing gate camps. In the end it is a game change that simply made the game less fun by taking away even more player agency. I play to kill time, not to sweat. If i wanted to play sweaty people i would go into low or null or more likely fire up different games i’m actually good at.

My biggest issue is a new player unfamiliar with proper fittings would lose their pod and think well hell, i can’t even play in high sec without being insta yeeted by NPCs (again during the middle of the event the number of systems affected in high sec made safe travel without serious builds nearly impossible), later game, nice knowin ya. The more new players that leave a game after a week, the more it dies. I’ve seen it with too many live games i’ve really enjoyed.

Were drifters in high sec? I’m asking seriously as i recall drifters being a thing way back when i started this game (12 years ago?) but, as i clarified in the other comment, i avoid sweaty content i have no interest in. If the option to do null sec, high risk/high reward, likely will be pod killed comes along, i would avoid said activity. That’s my issue here, just traveling high sec was nearly impossible as everything labeled trig had a gate camp regardless of which status it listed, i snuck through 2 initially after having come back from years away, so figured the trig thing was a “you choose to engage.”

Believe me, i was shocked when my pod didn’t make it out. Maybe it was the whole amount of dps being shot carried over from my ship death and thus my “near” insta warp on my pod didn’t save me because of a server tick (i have near zero latency so i doubt that was it). It really pissed me off is all. And the result was simply avoiding every system they were in and are still in.

For me, NPC events should involve some player agency where you CHOOSE to engage one side or the other, not be forced on players. Just my opinion. Had i gone to a warp gate beacon then into a pocket and had my ass handed to me, then pod killed, i would have zero issue because i did that knowing the risk. But getting podded by NPCs in a high sec gate camp just highlights the part of the game that’s personally not for me. So, that i guess is another part of it, i never engaged trigs, why my standings defaulted to enemy despite never interacting with them or edencom was also silly.

As an aside, i really would love to engage them in the systems where that option still exists, but i more value my ability to gain access to the systems that i currently avoid so i can’t even engage with the content how i like without semi permanent consequences that i cannot reverse or predict because of the lack of transparency on CCP’s part. Like if those systems run by them now will always be off limits i’d happily engage, but if eventually i can be neutral to both edencom and trigs allowing travel through both controlled systems i want to keep that door open. This game is SUPPOSED to be about doing what you want to do, and if i want to be the SWISS i would like to be. It is annoying a game that always had that choose your playstyle took it away.

What do you mean?

The Triglavians invaded Empire space. Unless perhaps they invaded your home system, you get a warning when you jump into a system under active Invasion. You chose to enter - you could have declined.

There is agency here. You are put on a side by default, but you can easily hop to the Red team, or just avoid all system where the forces of Red and Blue are fighting it out.

You can’t be neutral in this dispute, that’s true - you have to choose. Pick a side or avoid the war.

Gate camps where npc’s pod kill is stupid, if it takes place in high sec space, imo :wink:

At the time of this the sec ratings were not adjusted. It was simply a bad addition to the game with zero efforts at transparency. IE in a universe where you can literally download consciousness no one could figure out how to get details out to the masses of what scale the enemies were (similar to how agents and missions have levels letting you know what you are getting into in terms of the forces you will be up against).

The point is laziness from devs is immersion breaking. Gate camps in high sec from NPCs is a terrible idea. And you made my point, eliminating entire sections of the sandbox because you have to ‘avoid’ areas to avoid things like npc pod killing gate camps is objectively stupid IF the mechanics of the game for nearly 2 decades is sec rating = NPC threat. The entire system of this game was built on pre routing to the risk you’re willing to take, and being aware of what the risks are from system to system via multiple in game systems. A pop up AFTER you initiate a jump that does nothing to lay out even some specifics of the risks other than a vague message is lazy and unrealistic.

Hell, today, in game, this message means absolutely nothing for example in around 1/2 the systems that still have said warning, depending on which ‘faction’ won that system. The warning based on almost 20 years of game mechanics (ie go into a system under an incursion status for example) implies you are limited in that system in some ways, encounters will be harder, not in any way, “expect to be insta yeeted upon warp in and insta podded by NPCs,” which again should never be a thing in high sec space, imo. Had simply these systems been temporarily listed null even that would have been sufficient to illuminate the risks of trying to “pass through.” The idea no one in a universe where you can download entire people around the cosmos could communicate this is silly and immersion breaking, hell, even NPCs in skyrim can communicate across the ‘world’ about things like reputation and standings, but clone societies can’t figure out how to gossip even?

CCP #1: “We need more destruction in our game; can we encourage more highsec ganking somehow? Reducing EHP and resists on haulers and miners, perhaps? Or allowing ship insurance for these catalyst/tornado guys?”

CCP #2: “No way, 90% of the playerbase hates highsec ganking. Most people would prefer to interact only with NPCs and never speak to another player at all.”

CCP #1: “Ok, then we will make NPC highsec gankers - that should keep everybody happy.”

CCP #2: “…?”


Nah, people have just gotten complacent after a decade-and-a-half of power creep.

When the game was released, the pirates that randomly showed up in belts and on gates presented at least some risk. When Incursions were released they camped gates with overwhelming firepower. It’s just that these things were left behind as the game developed and people got complacent/competent at minimizing threats.

As @Xeux alludes to highsec isn’t safesec and is suppose to have some risk and not just be a safe grinding/farming zone. And since almost all the ne’er-do-wells have been nerfed out of the game, CCP has replaced that risk with NPCs. I won’t claim the tuning is perfect, but the idea you are suppose to be at risk from players or NPCs has always been there.

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It’s not just invasion systems. I’ve seen trigs in a non-invasion system too. Roaming fleets going between stations and asteroid belts. Maybe even gate camping. Didn’t see that, but I’ve never seen it in an invaded system either. I’ve been lucky in that respect.

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