I’ve pre-announced my candidacy today, because my novel approach to campaign needs extra time to spread by word of mouth. There’s a few links if folks are interested, and feel free to come by channel GHSOL in game where there’s a FAQ in the MoTD too.
I imagine that before we can post anything in CSM Campaigns, all the i’s have to be dotted and t’s crossed in the application.
Edit: I looked back, and it was this time last year that they announced the CSM election
its possible tomorrow 4/21/23 could be when they announce the CSM18 and early may is when applications start being accepted.
CCP Swift has said, on the EVE O discord, that the minutes should be out next week. Hopefully when they come out they will include information on the next election.
Why not get something for yourself when you vote in the upcoming CSM election? One paid GHSOL contract comes back to you as 2.5b in hauling services over my CSM term!
It’s the middle of July and still no announcement on the upcoming CSM elections key dates.
If voting is supposed to begin in August, how long are players even going to have to run campaigns?
Is this going to be another big bloc controlled CSM, or could we possibly get some diversity this time around? The shorter the campaign timeframe, the less fair it is for any non bloc players to even attempt to run.
Also… When do we get to see Polaris through non-passworded wormholes?
I’m excited to hear the enthusiasm for the upcoming CSM elections.
All the durations for each segment of the process remain the same as in previous years. The submission period begins August 1, 2023. More information can be found here: CSM 18 Announcement & Key Dates | EVE Online
Brisc, some of us have been campaigning for almost 2 months informally. I figured my grass roots effort (where voters get FREE SHIPPING if I win) might need more than 6 weeks to take hold.