When will there be Eve Online 2

I would go to EVE 2 even if it was only a tad bit better than then current version. At least cap stupidity wouldn’t be such an issue, and idiots with insane amounts of isk would have to bother to do it again. The current version is honestly stupid.


EVE Online isn’t a game as much as it is a way for Russian/Chinese people to feed their families.


Thank you! And sorry to take my time getting back in touch with you in-game. I had important things to attend to these past three days and have not turned on my PC for 3 days , will tell you in my message, you’ll understand.
Been on my phone for the forum while I take care of things…
I will give you my Discord or Messenger info so I don’t have to be logged in EVE just to communicate with you.
We’ll talk soon!

Guess what, I figured and send my discord info to you via ingame mail, BTW there is a eve App :smiley: you can write and read messages with!

Or I can link you an auth. you can use to read the mail in your phones browser

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Oh yes, I wanted to download EVE Echoes last night but I told myself I’d do it in the morning and, of course, I forgot.
Will do it now and set it up :grinning:

Not echoes, eve portal is the app, echoes is that try of ccp getting into mobile games :joy:

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Portal :rofl: Yes that’s what I meant.

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2 Days ago. So either you are a liar or never played DU. DU went to hell not because of bots but massive game breaking changes, exploits over and over. First 2 Happen the first week and another one about a week later. Those 3 were massive economy exploits that really gave some Orgs massive advantages and tons of money.

Their “own version of bots” at first were really high level letting you buy/sell things for insane amounts.

The real fanboys excuse it’s a Beta yet there is no Confirm wipe from Beta to Live in fact the impression was the devs would avoid it at all costs.

Here I am now Playing Eve as a new player already having a time of my life. I can understand some being burned out after many many years, but DU Universe should be the last game anyone should take feedback from.

I have indeed not touched DU but kept pace with development. I stopped a year ago when he said he does not see botting as an issue & that they were not ruling out pet status for early backers or “content creators”.

I popped back and it seems a lot of early backers are crying hard about lack of pet status and that no one is buying their dumb constructs but instead buying npc materials and building their own… shocking I know.

DU is in the balance if they fold to the pets that game is dead in 6 months with no sub up tick. But I worry their credit is out & their breadline overheads are dependent on wanabe pet subs.

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