Dangerous and having no counter-play are two entirely different things.
There is counter play. Just because you refuse that counter doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Go find friends
9. Use of kill reports & chatlogs to troll & flame is prohibited.
Pilots are permitted to post chatlogs and kill reports on the EVE Online forums if it adds to and is relevant to ongoing discussion, however this may not be done to flame, troll, insult, shame or bait other corporations other pilots.
Don’t spam killboard links. Only warning. Thank you.
It certainly adds to the disucsssion.
Gix has no relevant experience to the topic at hand, yet is posting like he does.
No one should take him seriously and his zkill proves that.
Oh? So we should only trust people based on zkills? What about if a person has played EVE for 15 years as an indy player? Their opinion isn’t relevant? Huh. Interesting.
Look Mr. Hole Control, sadly I do have relevant experience and it’s raining all over your narrative.
I get why you’re salty.
You’ve made 3 different flavors of this thread essentially. This is your third try.
And if we’re counting, I started playing in 06
TLDR, you choose to play solo and control your hole solo while floating in J-space. Cheers. You are free to do that. As free as other people are to jump in with a fleet and drop bombs on you.
Learn to EVE
learn to eve
has done nothing in his entire eve career
OK bud
Heh. I love that is all you can come back with. I’ve done plenty. Unlike you, who lives a shallow EVE life, I grasp the sandbox with everything I can. I enjoy doing whatever I enjoy doing at the moment in game. Exploring, living, dying. Its all fun.
While you? You sit alone in a hole and struggle to maintain hole control. I mean if it floats your boat cool. Just seems a sad existence so I understand why you are so bitter.
I, I will continue to have fun in New Eden. I pity you, and I do hope that one day you learn to re-capture the magic.
“I’ve done plenty”
Prove it. There’s no evidence you’ve done anything.
How does one prove it? What constitutes doing anything in this game? We live in a sandbox. The length and breadth of New Eden is the play ground.
What metric should you use?
I have made a lot of friends along the way. Brothers and sisters, with bonds of companionship formed in antimatter and explosions. Lost friends along the way. I’ve made enemies, both deserved and unwarranted. I’ve poked around in all corners of the galaxy, doing all sorts of things. I’ve flown through the known universe, wormholes and Pochven. I’ve dodged dozens of leshaks as I’ve ninja looted in Pochpoch. I’ve stolen ice in Halaima from jetcans. I’ve talked with James 315 and other well known New Edeners. I’ve warp around null, getting loot catch as can while dodging death from the local denizens. I’ve helped new folk to find their footing in New Eden and then also have exploded other new folk to remind them what EVE is.
All in all, I’ve done a lot and am satisfied. I play this game for fun, which seems a foreign concept to many. @Shipwreck_Jones understands my thought process. Change is always coming. You must always adapt.
Oh, and I solved ganking my first month back. I mean people don’t use said tactics but that’s hardly my fault.
I can’t prove I’ve done anything, but…
LOL, if that’s all you got from that, it just proves my point.
Stay in your hole and sup the ides of bitterness.
I shall be living amongst the stars, laughing as I go.
You have my pity sir.
“I shall be living amongst the stars”
stars are 40m destroyers in lowsec and highsec mission running
Interesting how you base everything off of zkills.
So your metric for enjoyment of EVE is ships destroyed? Hm. Interesting.
I run missions when it suits me. I explore. I do several things to get some ISKies. Too much of one thing is boring.
Witness what hole control has done to you
I agree, but you haven’t convinced me that there is no counterplay. If there were no counter play, nobody would be doing it and there’s be no dread killmails because there would be no dreads in space. So the folks who were flying those ships obviously didn’t feel like the risk wasn’t worth it, which they probably would have if it was 100% guaranteed they’d die if they did what they were doing.
Its cool you actually took the time to engage with him. We all know he is arguing in bad faith and simply wants print ISK button.
I don’t get why people play EVE and don’t understand that sometimes its your turn to get blapped.
so many ppl bitching around because they can not rat savely… like WTF its wrong with you
What is the counter-play to a rage roll?
This is a question you should be asking your fellow wormholers who are still out ratting in dreads.
All three of them? I dunno what you’re smoking, but it’s literally not worth running a dread vs paladins.
Literally an example where a rage-roll fleet got devastated by the dreads that were krabbing.
The counter play is pretty simple, work on rolling the incoming hole, work on clearing tackle, and use the dreads you have on grid to kill enough enemy ships that you can warp off!