Where can I park my Nyx?

Didn’t play for a long time and going to return. But I have a problem with a Nyx parking. Where can I find NPC station with a sup cap hangar ?

You can’t. They cannot dock at NPC stations. You need to find an alliance with a Keepstar that gives you docking rights, there you can dock it. Or use a public Keepstar on your own risk. Beware of being scammed. Sometimes they remove the docking rights the moment you cyno in and then kill you.

I suggest you leave the Nyx logged out until you have found a new home for your pilots.

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Supercapitals cannot dock in NPC stations.

Either find a Keepstar of owners you trust (join their group) or do it the old way of having your character coffined in the ship while you have it.

There is a way to get a supercapital into an NPC station which involves docking in a Keepstar first and then sending it to asset safety. The asset safety costs aren’t that high if the Keepstar is in the same system as the NPC station, but will be a lot more if it’s in another system. It’s the only way to get your ship into an NPC station though, because it’s too large to dock the usual way.

You can park it on zkillboard👌


Build a POS for yourself and park it there… POS are still in the game, right?

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If he places an unboarded Nyx under a POS of a solo/unaligned private player corp, said POS will be reinforced in less than a day. Same if he tries to put it into an XL-SMA, it screams for being attacked instantly by one of the larger groups that dominate LowSec. And then he is forced out of the POS, on the run with some emergency cyno to a new location where he still can’t dock.

He should keep it logged out, period. If he wants to use the char, he should buy a cheap “sitter” for the Nyx and log that one out.

So, if I drop a XL-SMA into my deathstar, you will pass that POS within 24 hours as you scrub them everyday just in case someone dropped new modules, and then bring all your friends to collectively waste your time and ammo reffing it?

If your “Deathstar” belongs to a private 1-man corp without any backup, yes, I think that one ends in reinforce pretty pretty soon. They will waste these 30minutes they need to reinforce it, count on that. You know that Zirnitras exist, right? And that a group like Snuff for example can drop a dozen of them not even breaking asweat? Your “Deathstar” isn’t scary in Lowsec any more these days, it isn’t more than a driveby shooting for any group that has any reason to take it out. And an XL-SMA of a solo guy definitely stinks like hiding a supercap.

Using a sitter is way less effort and way safer.

Find a group and just sell it. End of.

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