Where does the CSM draw the line between acceptable gameplay and harassment?

Send your self a buddy invite, you will get a million skill points for your new you, omega is optional but it will be eaiser if you can log both of your self in (and your first you will get an ugly suit to sell) and use the skill points to train for DPS and destroyers. Go where they bump you, orbit something and get bumped while you warp in your alt and pick ONE target and kill the hell out of it. If you die, so what? Do it again. Eventually they will realize you have a spine and either leave you alone or even invite you into their corp.
Who knows, maybe you will actually kill them. That would be ideal.
You could also use this alt to bump them instead. Assuming you are mining and they have mining interests in the area you should be able to find them and drive them up the wall back.
Right now you have a perfect excuse to learn to gank, grab it by the neck.

This is your unique opportunity, what you do with it is up to you.

If it were me I would want to thoroughly understand the issue and the motivations behind it before dismantling it while profiting from the process.

Always keep a couple of different ships. If you have an Orca then keep a fitted Proc (with a 10mn AB) in the maintenance bay. If you are getting bumped, dock and switch ships. Come right back to where you were and orbit your rocks. First you arenā€™t drone dependent and second you are much more agile and difficult to bump.

If you want to push a test of willpower then slug it out in a ship that you can ā€˜winā€™ with.

Otherwise find a new region. Space is pretty big and there are lots of systems. If the perp follows you there then you are definitely being harrassed. Take screenshots and logs and submit those with your tickets.

Adapt or die.

Who did you kick out of your recruitment channel because you accused them of being a spai??


True, I could this, but shouldnā€™t have too. If I need to make ā€˜altā€™ accounts to ā€˜play the gameā€™ maybe CCP should put that in the disclaimer when people sign up.

The thing is mate, the people doing this (without naming namesā€¦but pretty obvious) is a corp with almost 2000 people I cant wardec, but is supported by a alliance power bloc of 15000+ which in turn because of that CCP supports which is understandable, you would cater for 17000 people rather then one personā€¦ so with my situation iā€™m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

True, but with a proc they simply gank you.

I looked at new regions, maybe I could give it a crack but its not as easy to setup now esp with the dumb core changes with structures. I dont know, I could do that but what happens if the same thing happens a again? Recent replies with CCP basically telling me they dont give a f*** about the issue, quite sad :frowning: , no idea what to do.

This toon and itā€™s corp hasnā€™t got a recruitment channel. Iā€™m using this toon to express what going on with an alt of mine without getting backlash and even more targeted harassment, which this community loves doing without intervention from CCP.

If you not going to reply with constructive responses, please refrain from replying in the first place :+1:

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