Where have rewards gone?

I didn’t single out a specific CCP employee or ISD Volunteer, my statement referenced the entire company. Funny thing is that my initial statement was flagged as unacceptable yet it has a dozen likes which is double the amount of any other statement in this thread.

And if your example is the standard now then everybody who has mentioned CCP or ISD should have their post removed.


Doing lvl 3 mission in 82M battlecruiser is not very risky. That is why missions dont pay so much.

Then where is the incentive to even run them? Why should I waste my time running missions when my losses will be more than my gains?


because a 82m BC should mow down Level 3’s…

Have you considered that nobody wants you to run them?

To gain Standings, LP’s, ISK and Loot.

Actually, if you like running missions then the main reason would be to have fun.

No, because I always do what I want within the rules regardless of what anybody wants.

I like running missions but not for the fun. I can have fun for free without paying CCP a cent. When I run missions it’s either for standing, LP or to reprocess anything that drops to complement my assortment of materials. But knowing that I will have losses more than gains is not fun at all, so no for the fun, yes for the rewards.

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Umm, what losses?

If you pilot a ship that’s compatible with your skills, have it fit correctly and tactically engage the NPC’s, there shouldn’t be any losses.

Now if you’re referring to mission invasion by others, the likelihood of that happening can be greatly reduced just by running agents in a less populated area, basically a location that’s not near a major Trade Hub.

Low-risk PvE content should have low rewards. If resources are easily farmed in safe spaces, they lose value, and you get inflation.

Time, ammo and potentially a ship or two. Last time I ratted, two months ago, out of 20 destroyed rats only 8 had anything to salvage and out of those 8 only two had anything to reprocess besides the usual junk. So I used up missiles and shells to eliminate the rats only to return home on a deficit. I haven’t ran missions since then.

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Then if you are that cheap and bad, use lasers with T1 ammo and you wont have to worry about running out ever. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s entirely fine by me, even though I live in lowsec. If that’s considered “low-risk” area then I guess I can do without missions.

Good idea. Thank you!

Using either T2 cruise or faction cruise missiles, I come out in the plus for L4’s. If you think you aren’t making nothing running L3s with a bc, start doing L4’s then with the BC. Or use a drone boat for L3 like ishtar

The PvE content is low risk. You cannot balance PvE rewards on PvP risk, as PvP risk is wildly mutable and outside of CCP control - they don’t choose when players are active and hunting.

OK, you can’t count the time as a loss. Can’t count the munitions either. If you used a cargohold full of munitions to kill 20 NPC’s then you probably need to upgrade skills, munitions or weapons type, possibly all of them and maybe even ship class.

Bottom line, there’s way too many variables affecting everything to just point out one specific thing as the problem.

When I first started playing in 2008, I stayed in my Rifter Frigate for 9 months and max trained every single skill pertaining to that ship. As my skills progressed, I upgraded the fittings on my ship and advanced up in mission level. Eventually I was running level 3 encounter missions and completing them solo within the time bonus. Course by then my ship fit was using T2, Faction and Deadspace equipment.

Unfortunately most of the wrecks would start despawning by the time I completed those missions so I then decided to jump into a Hurricane Battlecruiser as my second ship. That change was done rather quickly due to having most of the skills already max trained from piloting the Rifter for 9 months. And because of those skills my Hurricane Battleship easily breezed through the lv 3 missions with just a T2 fit.

Anyway I’m way off track now, the best thing to do is remember the 5 P’s…

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance…


You might want to fix that.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Yes, that’s what I need to do in fact. Wait until the right skills are all trained up to 5, that I can use t2 modules in a t2 ship ( yes t1 ship will work too! Gees! ) and just…wait.
I guess I’ll go over to Elite while all those skills are training.

OH I didn’t know that.
Okay, no more PvE for me.