Floseswin has fallen again.
During the last time the Amarr controlled the same system, House Sarum fleets entered in force, not just in that system, but in others, to reinforce and in one crucial case help remove Minmatar loyalist structures.
During the whole of the time Floseswin skies were free, the Republic Fleet managed one parade, and then have been nowhere to seen. Kanth Filmir, probably the best admiral of the Fleet still alive leads not our ships, but ground forces. And while he is no doubt fit for that job too, one cannot wonder if he really is the last competent officer we have, both space and ground.
Days passed and passed without reinforcements. On the last possible moments, RJD has landed now - RJD, mind you, not Fleet, not Command. RJD, who as the only government party had the guts to come forward with facts in the Sundsele Six case. Bringing reinforcements commanded by an Ashok, no less.
Where is the Fleet?
Where do the resources go that should go to the defense of our people?
"Remember who we are, where we came from and, above all, remember those who are still to be liberated.
So I say again, join us in the fight for freedom and never forget!
Death to the slavers!
Long live the tribes!
We come for our people!"Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor
In bloody YC120