Personally I think it depends on what you want to do.
She does looks like a pretty focused pilot so she may fetch a nice price that you can use to get started with a new character pretty easy, so that’s an option. If you don’t plan on using any carriers/supers any time soon, then I’d say sell, otherwise keep her and continue training.
TBH, I think I’ll keep her for now, think it’s a bad idea cross training her into anything else, if she ever gets into a Nyx she’ll be permanently installed so other ships are pointless really…(especially with that cloaky, nullified yacht for transport.)
Might stick another year on her training and see where she ends up
This is no longer true since the introduction of citadels. Supers and titans are no longer space coffins, as they used to say. You can dock them in Keepstars, meaning your super pilot can also fly other things without a care in the world.