Who and When voted for Trigl NPC full spool up in 10 sec?

OP you should HTFU because you are embarrassing yourself… not that I don’t appreciate a good laugh but still. :stuck_out_tongue:

as a fairly new player myself, sounds like he should just
get off his calculator and start shooting…


i said in another topic and i will say again
abyss is top tier PVE in EVE and you WILL die
people like to farm it
but random is random and you do it fine until you don’t

tier 0 and 1 are solo friendly , 2 is max doable but risky , more than that you need a cruiser or friends™
also if your ship is fast just take some range and they spool to 0

I can’t tell you the last time we talked about anything related to abyssals on the CSM. Not since last year, easily.

PvE salt is the worst salt.


Careful. He won’t vote for you.


I am sorry if this has been going left, to toxic levels, but I’m telling you a thing.

I voted for Mike.

PS: Can you have some insights on how this immediate spool up for Triglavian works plz?
I would like this to get back to civilian discussion, but I’m sorry I can’t stop the Toxic Trolls.
This is serious issue and need resolution. Abyss is part of the Game and deserves an equal treatment.
700 DPS Kikimoras is just something off the charts, or 950 DPS Vedmak.
I made some speculations but I had no clue on what had happened at CSM, this year or last year about a sort of votation on Abyssal content?
Tnx for making some clarity.

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Righ there, this is your problem! Trigs don’t like you voting for Mike! They took action… :wink:

Why not figure it out yourself? Do some serious testing before getting in here and creating your own personal toxic swamp…

CSM doesn’t vote on anything, We vote on CSM, they fill in as an advisory body for CCP. They have zero deciding power. They are also under NDA…

We had nothing to do with this. This is the first time I’ve heard of any changes.

@Queotzcatl reality check dude, reality check. WTF you talking about?

CCP does how they like it, some patch notes are barely merged into old ones.

CSM? My gowd. Some player elite status, some NS epeen battle. rolfmao.

Cheating? Are you for real? Triglavians ARE THE CHEAT, CCP destroyed players assets for their own convenience. WAKE THE ■■■■ UP!

11 years? for real?

Reality check, is what I’m doing.
Research the tube for Abyss runs against Triglavians.

This fit average Th 46% penetrating shots 1.000-/1.25 mod. of 250dmg… 175 is 70% thermal and 75dmg to 30% Ex. With Resists added back its 269+138=407 Dps… or between 300 and 400DPS because of Penetrates modifier. DPS on this one seems to be in scale and not exxagerated.

shut up. Way Easier.

No Dude. You are a Big NO NO Guy that needs some fresh air…
Despite all this I’m trying to stay positive…

I feel something is WRONG with the status of the Game and I look into it.

GO back to your church and pray for EVE, THERE"S NOTTHING WE CAN DO…


Calm down Ganker!

I too voted for Mike!

Um I think I saw on that video they never stop draining his cap even at range.
The video was a huge tease with no player ship loss and I still don’t know what is a spool up?

Dude there hasn’t even been change chill out

its wen the trigs increase the damage by hitting you
thats why trigs are good 1v1 but not 1v2 … if they lose / change target they have to “spool” up again

So ecm is a counter rather than web.

or out range them
so they have to “spool” up again


Yea Trig are an absolute nightmare in abyss I run solo frigates and if there is a vedmak I know its going to be super hard (for my ab 22km rail harpy) and maybe a death becuase that thing is so agile even if you are slightly faster all that will happen is that it will get perfect tracking on you from 20kms away as you try to spiral in with your maybe 100m/s difference in speed and your little bit of spiraling puts it closer to 30ms/s in closing speed which is suacide as it spools super quick and then you are eating massive amounts of dps and just dead. One way I found to beat this monster is face tank a huge amount of dps by rushing it into the side of the barrier then manual piloting to keep it in the barrier and gain max transversal and kill it before other ships but rng will sometimes put you with web frigs and then its over. (The other option is fit a web and overheat it as you can get under its guns once its webbed)

That is why I stopped flying with 20km range weapons and started sniping from 40kms as trig are just broken so yea I agree with you.

The problem with testing is that people are testing with meta builds which is either gila hawk vaga or retribution and becuase of this Abyss has been balanced to these ships so other ships are at a disadvatange.

When is the last time someone posted a Diemos build for abyssals lol it would get wrecked becuase it cant kite, nvm the huge exp whole that trigs would love to shoot into.

This thread delivers on salt content. Would vote for again.


If you are going to troll at least use a real character instead of something empty otherwise it carries no weight.

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OP is the one trolling. Check your prescription glasses.

Op is actually correct there are ton of stealth change’s most people don’t even notice them. Like recently some bs’s start with less than full hp in frig 0-3’s where a few months back I remember seeing a lot of full hp bs’s that took a long time to kill. (and I dont mean the trig bs’s or sleepers as those where always not at full hp.)

@Queotzcatl what ship do you fly, maybe I can help you with some strategies to make your life easier.