Why antigank?

Not sure if you’ve meant to imply me as part of that or not but either way neither a ganker nor a friend, but have no issue with it either, it is part of the game and some choose that as their playstyle. Neither for nor against it.

Again not sure if you meant to include me or not but why not share a personal anecdote when at it. But first: just in case, I didn’t imply it is wrong or bad, was just cracking a joke.

So I personally never infiltrated a corp with one exception that might not even qualify as such, when I’ve applied to and got accepted into a public open russian corp, just so I can acquire and post on zKill the lossmails of some of their members who tried to gank my Not a bait™ container. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :smirk:

I am most identifying with Uriel nowadays as am most active on him (I only sign on to him through the official web authenticator as I don’t want to switch characters on the forums as it makes you lose some settings like the recently used emojis, as such also only read EVEmails outside the game through third-party webmail for this character).

My main is my original character that was meant to be my main since the beginning, it is what I acquire SKINs on, trained the full expanded alpha skillset on and is my main identity in-game and generally the one most active on and do most stuff with. (Nowadays only sign in like once or twice a month or even more rarely and only to my container owner alt to check up on killrights and that’s it.)

Some characters have more personality and personal attachment to them while others are more generic but over time some of them tend to be used and gravitate towards certain activities to eventually even generic ones may become somewhat specialized or outright focused both in skill (field of activities) and personality and attachment to them.

Still my main is my main to me and the rest are just more or less prominent alts.

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