Why are players so easily podded?

I am not sure if I agree on how easily a player in a ship that is ganked can be podded as well. Firstly, augmentations are not something anyone can invest in easily when someone can be so easily podded. I can spend 3-4 billion on implants and get into a tech 3 destroyer, have fun, but if my 200-300 million ship goes, it is likely my pod will too. So how is investing in player augmentations fair?

I noticed that when a ship is destroyed while trying to warp away, or is held with a webifier, that once destroyed, the pod is next.
I propose that, whenever a ship is being attacked, and the player decides to warp away to save his ship (even when warp disrupted), that once the ship explodes, the pod inherits the warp attempt of the ship and automatically flees the scene before it can be destroyed.
This would allow a player to spend 3-4 bill on implants and retain them more easily if there puny (isk wise) ship is destroyed. Furthermore, it would be that much more rewarding for a player to destroy a pod (because it holds 10 times more value than the ship).

Whatdaya think.

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I think it’s a bad idea to let people have ‘fun in their 200-300 million ship investing 4 billion but only risking 300 million’ without any risk of pod death with ‘automated pod warp’.

Just warp your pod away after your ship is destroyed yourself.

And if you frequently fight people who are prepared to smartbomb your pod or can reliably catch it with warp disruptors due to sensor boosters right after they destroyed your ship, maybe don’t risk a 4 billion pod to fight people in 300 million ships.


There is a beauty to being a high SP character and getting to keep a clone’s implants investment. What is the point of clones all across New Eden if each one needs 3-4 billion in additions. Why so many implant options if they are not meant to be used.
If you can have so many options on making your clone well implanted, it seems like clone implants are underutilized because of how cheap a pilots life is worth.
I want to invest in my character so I can fly many types of ships, and if I cannot invest in my character but only my ship for a likely pod death, what is the point of having so many clone implant options then?

Either make clone implants cheaper or allow a more safe route for them to fly so the plethora of clone options can be justified.

No one ‘needs’ billions in implants. It’s an option for people who know what they are doing, have the courage to risk that much investment and can afford the loss if it goes wrong.

Obviosly not for everyone and especially not for lowskillers that want to have the ultimate superiority in every situation while not willing to take the attached risks.

Ok. I guess I just prefer being able to have high quality implants while not being good at PvP. Anyways, no matter how good you are, it is only a matter of time before someone loses their ship and gets podded.
If that is so, then no matter how much a person knows what they are doing, and how rich they are, at least make decking out your clone a good deal.
Just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you should recklessly spend it on implants of all types. It makes the player an idiot unless they get a good investment no matter how rich they are.

The only way it is a good investment is if pods are harder to kill. And there are some people i guess who like to play the game the way you play, but me, I prefer investment in this area without so easily a loss.

What do you think other players prefer? I don’t know how to setup a poll.

Players would prefer free ISK and invulnerability options as well if you’d ask them.

Don’t play stupid, if you can’t protect your shiny implants or the loss of your pod would hurt you, don’t use them. Very easy concept, ‘but I want to!’ Isn’t an argument.

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Ok, based on what you say, I agree. All top level implants in the game like +5% to cap/armor/shield/propulsion etc, or Amulets and such, are worthless to use. Because there is no way to protect your shiny implants at a use/cost ratio that is acceptable.
The end

Somebody bought into the scam, that is implants.

It’s all about risk and what you are willing to loose.

If plugging in a billion isk implant for some marginal boost in some skill is worth it to you, you best be prepared to loose it.

Like everything in this game, there has to be a sink for implants too.

Pods are already exceptionally hard to kill, I’m not sure what the OP is going on about. If your ship is under attack, by the time you start peeling structure you should already have selected a warp target and started spamming warp. If you do that, you will warp away in your pod almost instantly when your ship explodes.

Unless you get smart-bombed or you get caught in a dicter bubble (meaning, you’re in null) you should get away in your pod 99/100 if you are responding to the attack properly.

Not 100% sure but I think I’ve only ever lost one pod in hisec (in almost 15 years), and that was to some BS insta-splat Trig AI during the invasion.

I did lose a pod in lowsec once, because I was a noob and I just sat there after my ship popped, trying to figure out how the fight was over so quickly. Don’t do that. :blush:


Me, too. Same circumstances. Unprepared = my fault.

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Nah, sometimes the server and your UI take longer to allow you to warp, than for the other people to point you.

Or in Pochven, or in WS.

Possible but rare IME. However, that’s why I said 99/100.

On Poch and WS, good to add.

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Why don’t you hop into a jumpclone with less expensive implants if you can’t afford to lose them? No one forces you to stay in your highly expensive clone?

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Because I pumped all my money in my implants and can’t afford a 1M clone jump !! :cry:


Didn’t take two days for the “Grr Gankers” thread to come back.

Yh, what are Jump Clones for ?! Use them :slight_smile:

The only aspect I don’t like about pods is that they are understandably paper thin, so as a ‘phase’ in the overall encounter, it doesn’t really give one side any options other than to die, or escape. Of course, why should there be any further options than that…

The thought did cross my mind as to whether there might be some benefit to implants which turn the pod into a bomb of sorts… so that on destruction it can contribute more to the encounter. Would this be fun though? A last laugh of sorts. It might add a question of whether to pod someone or not (if not otherwise committed given other influences).

This I can get onboard with.

Booby trapped pod.

Ganker decides he wants the pod as well, gets a neutron bomb up the face.

The salty rage from everyone in attendance at the loss of their Hecates, Erises and Exequoror Navi Editions would be well worth the probably 100 mil cost of the booby pod (can’t make it too cheap!)


It’s a life support module/neural scanner with tiny engines strapped to it.

There are sections on Capsule Construction and the on board systems.

Thank you for the comment leading me to this, I haven’t read it in years and it’s a nice lore refresher. :innocent: