Soooo, I’ve got a couple of blueprints I no longer want to invent from. Why can I not repackage these to sell on the market? Another “Feature” from CCP?
BP can’t be repackaged, period.
It avoids any issue with BPC being repackaged as BPO.
And avoid any issue with people accidentally or not repackaging someone else fully researched BP.
Those two benefits largely outweight the inconvenience of not being able to place on the regional market the unresearched BP you don’t intend to use now. You have the contracts as a workaround. Or just keep those BP. Or research them. Whatever.
A BPO cannot be unpacked and unresearched.
Wtf? How can that be an issue?
Uhh, as if the repackaging cannot be allowed only on unresearched BPOs…
OP is correct.
Because that’s how it is. BPC are BPO, with a positive runs instead of -1
Just like you, OP has no idea how it works.
“Used” BPOs and all BPCs can be sold through Contracts. I would imagine the decision was made long ago to not be able to sell used BPOs on the market since it would require 231 different listings to accommodate all the possible ME and TE research state combinations. The Contracts function allows items to be sold “as-is”.
Nope, the reason for that is different : you don’t sell items on the regional market, instead you sell stacks of a type.
This and that are two different things. They can’t be sold on the market BECAUSE they can’t be repackaged.
Now of course the devs could make it so that when you have a BPO item that is not modified (so infinite runs, me=0, and te=0), then you can repackage it. But this needs specific cases to tests and could lead to further issues(and therefore abuse), for a very low gain, so it’s better to just not do it.
Once a BPO is used for anything, it is a unique item. All BPCs made from the BPO refer to that one unique item that made them. A BPO being unpackaged, unresearched, and uncopied is a rare occurrence and thus no exceptions were made in the coding.
I don’t think they refer to the source. I may be wrong, but yes if that was the case that could be a constraint issue in the DB.
See. Exactly. Then it should not be an issue in first place.
We both know how it works. And we know it can be done better. You as CCP fanboy will never admit that they could do better. As a programmer I know they could. The option to repackage BPO could be easily implemented if the BPO hasn’t been researched - ie. its ME and TE is 0. And that is what this is about.
Anyway, I was gone for half a year so I forgotten why I blocked some users. I gave you benefit of doubt, but there indeed was a reason. I will stop opening the hidden replies now sou you can have your last word. Bye.
But yet you can repackage Formulas and sell them after use
Formulas can’t be researched or copied so there’s no real danger of letting people repackage those.
Perhaps the term spaghetti code is applicable here
Why ?
spaghetti code implies that the responsibility for a feature is spread around many entities.
Here it’s just a simple rule that allows to save time, so money, at very minor cost.
If anything, making BPO repackageable would create issue since there would need to be specific code for BPO repackaging test : ATM the only rules to repackage are 1. you own item 2. type can be repackaged 3. item is not damaged 4. item location has the repackage service 5. item is singleton ; with that you would need some specific BS like “item has <0 number of runs and item attribute ME is 0 and item attribute TE is 0”
If BPO can be repackaged, then any feature dealing with BPO in general must be made while aware of that issue. Think POCO code, station code, structure code, maintenance bay code, asset safety code etc. must be checked against any potential issue every time there is a code update. Otherwise the possibility is that people could abuse it to create BPO from BPC.
So instead, saying “BP can’t be repackaged, period” solves this issue : you can be sure no new intern will make a mistake and allow people to create T2BPO from an undisclosed, or even random, bug.
So yeah people will cry over the lack of such a useless feature. Whatever. They always cry.
everyone seems to overlook that BPO purchase from NPC is an isk sink .
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