I can not see how this will have any positive effect on the game as a whole. -1
from a law standpoint: the Gallente federation a near perfect reflection of today’s climate both in LW and RW culture.
Ramona i would suggest that you take the time to actually listen to duro. he makes some vary good and easily quantifiable points. this can be seen in the media from that time period.
We are not saying that you are wrong for having your opinion only that you need to accept that other people may not share that same outlook. this in no way makes them racist/sexist/fanciest Ect, just that they dont agree with you.
I dont have to accept anything from a homophobe who equates gay people to animal abusers.
And listening to the media is pretty much the biggest problem in the world right now.
The reason above anything I have reported him is that he’s off topic and breaking content rules by bringing RW politics into an otherwise nice thread about why the ■■■■ I cant wear a hat without having a penis.
Now this is were we can draw the line in the sand right here Duro Peripar
New Eden the reproduce a new pilot without needing a man and a woman hence there is no need for said man and woman to start a new character or even produce a clone.
We are a clone that slightly resembles a man or a woman in size and shape.
We are also not locked into naming said pilot with a man or womans name.
We are the same and will aways be the same and there is nothing that can take that away.
A male pilot can train the exact same skills as a woman and are both equal to fly the exact same ships.
he did not, you have assigned a meaning to a statement made to deliver a good point.
-20 years ago was “gay friends” today is “gender identity and expression” What will it be in 10 years?
He also pointed out that we are animals and that we need to get our ■■■■ together as a species and begin moving forward as one as opposed to arguing over unimportant issues like what jumper it is socially acceptable to wear. from an aliens standpoint we are equivalent to cattle, if they can travel the stars to get here what would they think our our backwards civilization.
in relation to not wearing a hat because your avatar does not have a penis… what is the net gain for CCP here to re-code 100/1000s of Apparel items.
it would be a lot of work to create double the amount of assets for something that has no meaningful impact on game play. I would like to add that if CCP does revisit WIS then maybe this could be looked at but right now Shitting on CCP for this “oversight” in your eyes is in poor taste and a non issue
Im sorry that you feel that’s what I was doing by agreeing with the OP, but taking what was a perfectly harmless conversation and basically vomiting over it like he did is not something I consider a defensible position.
I can’t say I feel shame about standing up for what I believe in.
the close is created from a base human (you passing flight school) as the original needs to die to achieve pilot status. but once the genetic imprint of the capsuleer is assigned to the blank it becomes male/female. the gestation process of the new close is no different to that of a fetus once the genetic code is delivered. thus inter sex cloning is impossible without invasive genetic manipulation.
If CCP wishes to implement cross cloning in future then fin they may make unisex clothing (see my response to ramona)
These two points of view are irreconcilable, and we both know this.
And both sides most certainly do not see each others as valid.
You seem at least a reasonable person, and so I will certainly give the ground that rising to his comments was wrong of me, especially as I feel that the topic (not the thread subject, but what we were arguing about) should not have been brought up at all, at least not in this section of the Forums.
Like I said, RW politics should be kept out of GD. I think the derailment of this thread by himself and myself kinda prove why.
Postscript: Im really not hating on CCP, Im still just surprised that there were such few options in this matter (the clothing in game) given that, under the impression as I was, the dressup engine was created for a different game.
This is one of those threads that’s getting locked before it goes apeshit.
Technical limitations in how the character system was released in 2003 and how the clothing system was released in 2011 mean that clothes are gendered.
That’s just the way it is in EVE right now and there’s nothing that can be done about it without a significant investment in re-writing parts of the game, which we don’t have resources allocated to and which isn’t a priority right now.