Why CCP are you now regulating loot?

That is the definition of random - its not a case of if you do 2 sites you will get a skin, its a case you may get zero, 1, 2 or more - how is that anything but random???

You are not role playing, are you? This was a OOC comment. :wink:

This is no different than when people post in the PVE forums about how they are SURE that CCP nerfed something because they ā€œarenā€™t getting the drops they used toā€.

Way back in yesteryear when I took statistics in college, I remember the instructor talking about how the human brain tends to resist the very idea of random chance. We NEED to believe that everything follows an identifiable pattern, and when it doesnā€™t, we naturally think that something is wrong (or worse, that someone has intentionally screwed with something).

Itā€™s why ancient people tended to slaughter and sacrifice things (up to and including other people) when there was something random like an earthquake or it didnā€™t rain when it was normally supposed to. The Gods must be displeased with us!

This ithread is the OPs sacrifice to the EVE Gods (CCP) so that they will be pleased and thus bless him with a renewed rain (of deadspace gearā€¦)


The chance of a drop is set.
Its not random.

Salvos is correct.

The loot drops cannot be random. There is variation of likelyhood of the item drop which enforces this.

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CCP has changed DED spawn rates, escalation rates, and drop rates.

We dont know how/where exactly, even on those vague indications they have given, but we do know it has happened, and there may be more that was not even indicated at.

Imo, this is a good thing.
DED modules in particular have suffered a great deal of loss of value in isk due to over-supply in the last few years.

Its a fact that CCP has nerfed DED spawns and drop rates.

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responses to the OP :

  1. I got duplicates in null. Not in HS IIRC (over 200 sites in HS)
  2. I noticed that when I was playing whithout an alt there was more chances of useless drops than when I was playing with an alt (in HS). However my main was always looting the wreck, and I think killing the rat (did not really care about it). My alt was in a VNI, assigning the drones to the main.
  3. loot is random , as in ā€œI have no idea what the algorithm used is preciselyā€.
  4. just because it is random does not mean it is the same for everybody, everywhere, every moment. People assume it is, my opinion is : it is not (especially for ded sites) . So there are hidden variables (IMO) that choose what drops.

This is not really a good sample number for any statistics.
I am running ~40 sites a day. And from this i can tell you, that they are really random. I can present the data of this (yes, i am doing data of the dropsā€¦).
And i got already a lot of duplicates.
There are over 200 different skins. If all are equal weight, it can happen that you do not get any double for a long time.
This can be good or bad. It is great when you want all different skins but it is bad if you only want the expensive ones :wink:

I got 4, but this was before the change of the loot table (all in the first week). I didnt got a single since the ā€œloot revampā€. And i have done more than 600 in this time. But they do drop, even in high sec (a friend got 1 a day ago).

They do drop, but it might be that they are really rare now (or always were, and i was lucky in the first week).

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: I got duplicate. Skin and Dead-space loot. In this week.


OP is full of crap.

Iā€™ve run nearly 2000 rogue drone sites. Of the 30 or so BPCs (augmented and integrated) several of them are duplicates. Of the 150 or so skins, nearly 1/3 are duplicates and one skin in particular, the Cormorant, has dropped 5 times. Several other skins have dropped 3 times; Loki, Legion, and others.

Damn, man.

ehā€¦ give something for free and they still complain.


Is EVE your full time job?

Event was introduced 16 days ago. With even long site completion time (10 mins) its only about 40 hours of gameplay. 2,5 hours per day.

Just to throw some additional data in, Iā€™ve run relatively few (less than 25) sites and received duplicate Gallente Shuttle skins. JACKPOT.

Also, the last two (both in the past week; Iā€™m not getting much play time but Iā€™m getting some) Blood 5/10s Iā€™ve run both dropped B-type nosferatus.

Yes, duplicates happen.

Edit: Double Augoror Navies now as well.

loot is generated when the can is dropped , it doesnā€™t matter who opens it .
RNG is always broken when you get crappy drops , when you get good drops itā€™s working fine ā€¦ :blush:


2000 site completions over 16 days, at 10mins per site, is >20.83hrs per day.

2000 sites x 10mins= 20,000mins.
20,000 mins / 16 days= 1,250mins per day.
1250 mins per day= 20.83hrs per day.

Nobody can run sites for 20.83hrs per day, for 16 days.
They will clinically lose their mind from lack of sleep around the 5th day, let alone the full 16.
This is humanely impossible.

The guy is either grossly exaggerating, or running these sites on multiple accounts.

I promise you, on 4hrs of sleep per day, you start getting psychotic on the 5th day, latest. By the 16th, you are dead, or near to, and at best have absolutely no idea what is real anymore.

Try it, 4hrs of sleep per day over 16 days will drive you literally insane.
Unless you have damage to specific parts of your brain, you will never make it to the 16th day before your body forces you to collapse and sleep.

Not to mention how categorically stupid it is to farm these sites so intensively when you could earn far more doing something else with far less time invested.

My bad. Probable forget one zero in my math.

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Np. It happens.

Anyways, its not on you.
Its on the guy who claimed to have run 2000 sites in 16 days.

Thank you everybody who contributedā€¦ Still no duplicate skins or BPC in 219 rogue sites for me. I need to see the voodoo lady this afternoon and have her remove the no duplicate loot hex. She told me to bring her a goose or a turkey. She has a monkey with only 3 feet that Iā€™m a little afraid of.


2000 rogue drone sites?? Who is full of crap?