Why does anyone mine?

I am well aware, I have done clean up behind supers pulling down 170M/hr in bounties. Salvage is awesome behind those bad boys. I use two Noctis [One all tractors, one all salvagers] even at that, its a race to keep up. More often than not, they don’t want the salvage. Now that’s some fast isk when you have some standing by to slap cash down on it. :slight_smile:

you should place a mtu on each haven, then bm the mtu, and ignore the signature afterwards ; then only use salvager (not tractors). when a new sig pops in, warp to it, place mtu, bm, go back to your salvage site. once a site is salvaged, take the mtu, remove the bm.

also give numbers to your mtu when you BM them : 1, 2, 3 so you dont warp back to a mtu without the site already done(happened to me to get pointed on arrival. awkard moment, had to ask ppl to kill the pointer)

Me why do I love mining I simply love the sound of the mining laser it’s very relaxing I also enjoy the job itself

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I have an alpha in null that sometimes gets to follow supers around, 1 guy makes over 200m a tick just in bounties + at every site he drops a mtu

The real question for what appears to be a troll is… Why do YOU (OP) mine?

I tried reading every post/reply, but each time decent players answered your questions you only came back with “yeah, but ignoring that… Why do players mine?”

Somehow, somewhere, out in the virtual “ether” there is a mythical answer you might accept as final. But right now it looks like you’re just posting to stir up people & agitate the entire thread.

Why does anyone do anything? The answer to your first question about ISK/hr between a small 3-ship mining fleet vs a rafting carrier is self evident; carrier wins hands down.

But, that’s just for basic shoot the rocks & sell unprocessed ore at your nearest available market access. If you put a little more effort into it (or ANYTHING for that matter) you can definitely make more ISK than what you’re at now.

How much more ISK/hr can you make? “Well Billy, how much effort are you willing to put into this idea of yours? Hahaha”

If you think your mining game needs work then start asking other successful miners how they do it or what tips they can offer you.

Check the markets (in-game & on 3rd party websites) for the values of ore to get best prices.

Look into either compressing your ores to maximize cargo capacity, or process for minerals.

But largely… Why do YOU mine? If it isn’t “floating your boat” anymore, then do something else that will be more fun and/or make you more ISK.

Can we please retweet this?

Mainly ice, Plagio when no ice spawns, npc missions when both are gone or finding the right anom spawns to get the proper ore in them. There’s actually a forum post on the npc agent:

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People who think minerals are free because they mined the ore themselves are making irrational decisions under an economic system. They’re devaluing their own time by choosing a less lucrative activity over a more lucrative activity to buy the same thing. With one account and a carrier, you can rat for ISK to buy the minerals to build another carrier faster than said same on account can mine the ore to refine to minerals.

The counterpoint is twofold:

  1. Some people genuinely enjoy mining and building stuff. While they make irrational decisions as economic actors, they make perfectly reasonable decisions as human beings playing a game in their own downtime. Not everybody feels the need to min-max, some people enjoy roleplaying the industrialist.

  2. Mining scales to infinity. Try multiboxing carrier ratting for more than an hour. Then try running 2 rorqs for more than an hour. You’ll notice one of those things works, and the other doesn’t. Big time miners are running 5 rorqs in a belt making 600mil isk an hour with minimal supervision/attention other than intel and rat spawns. The only comparable PVE activities are wormholes (inconsistent), burner missions (super specific setup and requirements), and MAYBE incursions (again, inconsistent).

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This. I take pride in building my own stuff completely from the ground up to the extent that I can. Most of my ships are completely my own fabrication, with all of the modules, rigs, etc. being from sources I mined, salvaged, invented, etc.

Fast? No.
Most efficient? No.
Most productive use of my time? Yes. Because I enjoyed the process, planning, and ownership. Everything else is secondary to my enjoyment and satisfaction with the game and my time in it.

Not everything in this game comes down to an ISK grind- that’s the fun part of EVE.

I like to say the only people who are playing EVE wrong are the people who tell others they are playing EVE wrong. If I enjoy what I’m doing, then I’m playing the game correctly. Same for everybody else.

It’s when you aren’t having fun that you are making bad decisions. Not before.


Totally agree with this

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Yes, yes, yes! Thank you for your post.


If Eve Online was meant to be easy then it would Minecraft.

Go out and figure out a way to destroy the NPC miners / bots.

Or are you scared of getting ganked?

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Concord doesn’t intervene when you shoot NPC miners. You don’t even get a suspect flag. NPC miners are easy to kill in your standard gank Catalyst, they are just annoying and a pain in the ass in general because they just keep coming back.

Another person who has no real understanding of industry.

Please stick to your Combat PvP simpleton.

You do recall that attacking an NPC miner will alert the local militia fleets, right? You won’t get alphaed like Concord does but they will give you a hard time if you stick around and fight back.

Yep. I just kill one mining ship then warp out before the response fleet can target me. Rinse, repeat…

I wonder how their defense fleet can stand up to my Talos.

Depends on which of the three response fleets you pull among other things. The battleship fleet would probably just have you for lunch if you even attempted fighting solo at all because of effective range. But you’d be needing to be aligned before shooting so you can warp out before anything gets in scram range of you.

I did not know you can attack NPC mining fleets without Concord intervening. Why are those fleets there anyway? Did CCP ever explain their purpose?

To steal your precious roids. :wink: