Why Does CCP Hate Money?

:rofl: Yeahā€¦ perhaps, but I was more talking about how hostile people are for seemingly no good reason! (I wasnā€™t talking about you either btw. Pay no mind to this old fool.)

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Hours? Days? I have no idea.

Yes. it was actually player who wanted to sell models. Hilmar agreed.

I see they make also 12 inches Star Trek models. The same technology.

At least hours. I did a basic 4 inch venture, and it took around 8 hours.

That wasnā€™t a particularly detailed print. Though different printers take different times. Getting a higher infill, or a smaller layer, can increase the time significantly. (Iā€™m printing it again at a higher quality level, which is taking around 13 hours. Though thatā€™s still a 0.4mm nozzle. 0.1 would make it better quality, but at a massive increase to print time.)

The 13 hour ventureā€™s only 33g of PLA too.

(anything over 8 hours is probably a day. Unless youā€™re running multiple shifts, which is another expense)

I wonder how the venture would look printed with this and proper mesh with details, and painted professionally. And of course BIG.

The printer would busy on one print, but is possible to link multiple printers to print multiple copies on the same item at the same time.

Or you make a master printed copy that then is molded into a tool for mass production of item/s.

People fail to remember with a pc you can run multiple printers, or you can make molds with them to bulk production runs.

Actually, my printer can just print straight from an SD card. Itā€™s not unusual. And thereā€™s things like octoprint for the Pi.

Yes, you can have (and would have) multiple 3D printers. Theyā€™re still a limited resource.

As for molds, either youā€™re spending a lot on them, or they wear out very quickly.

Depends on what you goal is.

Personal collection or mass produced sales items.

Mass produced mold tools are normal not made of materials that last a few runs of plastic injection, these metal tools normally allow for production of thousands before showing signs of blurred on the molds joining edges on the item.

If the item material was metal or similar hard material then youā€™d have shorter run lifes of mold tools, but plastic not likely unless they are treated roughly during molding process.

From the topic of this thread, mass production.

Those metal molds are stupid expensive to get made. But over the course of their life span, theyā€™re worth it.

Other materials, not so much. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m actually curious, how much of price is ā€œfeeā€ for that three years of work to make software that takes models from game and turn them into printable version.

Also, molds and any mass production is not a option. CEO of company said they want to make new generation of production line. Personalized Production on demand

Google tells me that thereā€™s free software for that. Not even sure theyā€™d have to bake the highest quality shaders into textures. Maybe the programs apply shaders to the saved model as well, so only little adaption should be required.

CEO of mixed dimensions in CCP Vegas stream I linked above, says something else.

vOv Iā€™m not going to watch through it, because thatā€™d be ridiculous. Iā€™lk just choose to not care because you leave me no other sane choice. I must wonder about what went through your head when youā€™ve linked that six hour long video without even giving a single split second of thought to the fact that everyone would benefit from you time stamping it, or at least telling us when the topic-relevant part starts. Makes you look rather questionable.

Dude. click play and watch from exact moment they start talking about it. Time stamp is in link and it starts from exact moment.

You didnā€™t even take second to take look at it but starts to criticizeā€¦

Even that bar is showing that something is markedā€¦

Thatā€™s what I got and still get to see:

Strange. Try this


This works. Itā€™s odd. Sorry for kind of wrongly accusing you of not linking to the part. Maybe the preview isnā€™t working on all browsers equally. Iā€™m using a Chromium variant.

No problem. With all the hate on the forums and ā€œelite PvPā€, everyone is reacting to emotional. Me included. Sorry for that.

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Oh hi! Super late to the party but ~tis the season~ and all that. As others have pointed out some really cool models are now available through Mixed Dimensions and thereā€™ll be more on the way over time! https://mixeddimensions.com/collection/eve-online

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