You can do this. You are choosing not to do it because you think it’s inconvenient.
You are arguing that you can’t play the game because you won’t play the game.
You can do this. You are choosing not to do it because you think it’s inconvenient.
You are arguing that you can’t play the game because you won’t play the game.
You know Brisc, i get it… you and others are SO very much afraid of change, that you are willing to reconcile with the awkward present. Even that, you guys manage to sthlm-syndrome the F out of the oppositional viewpoints…
I dont really blame you as an person, im just tired of bringing wholesome solution’s to intellectual plebs. But when you start to talk about ME instead of my opinion, then im done.
Hypocrisy wont win you any battles, friend.
I’m not afraid of change at all. I am in favor of positive change that will help solve the number one issue in the game right now, which is getting more people into space doing things.
This is the same thing I tell every developer when they talk about a new feature. It’s the same thing I tell every player who reaches out to me with a request that is more than QOL of change.
If you can’t explain how this will get more people in space, then it’s not the right priority right now.
Your idea is bad for the game. Sorry.
Well, i have explain in detail how current system prevents me, A player, getting into space.
I dont have any statistic of “% of subbed accounts going dormant after losing a pixel-war”… but i can imagine i am far from beeing alone?
this actuality in facts, is far more then what you have presented in your opposing view.
YOu are ruled entirely by fear it would seem. y
you sit with your glass-bulb and interpet how a propposed game-change is going to be exploited, you produce some kind of thruth in your mind, thus in actuality come to the idea the change would be a bad idea… Yeah. its called sthlm syndrome. I belive you have been institutionalized by eve to some degree.
if you was not ruled by fear, ur response would be… "yeah maybe, but z,x,c needs to be checked before > basic< ‘ease of life’ change is exploit proof.
You said you had enough to get back on your feet. Id imagine between april and now, youd have gotten enough ISK to get your stuff and have it moved or just keep continuing where you are. If you cant do that, then its nobodies fault but your own.
I have enough eve knowledge, over 200m sp + assets all over new eden to make me land in a pink fluffy cloud of dreams and possibilitys.
i simply just choose not to do. i choose to NOT play eve…
becouse meh.
i have no energy to spend in a game where i would 100% just burn my time, patience and “fun/hr” all in the name of “beeing able to even play the game at some point”… as stated over and over by me… yeah, i just dont see a future belonging to your bdsm-club. er… sorry i meant eveonline.
You’re making me agree with Brisc again, stop doing that.
Yeah same here.
Just get rid od asset safety altogether. Then blowing up an station may actually be worth it in isk.
Mabe leave hs assest saftey but defo not in null.
Look at the loot drop from mangos old keepstar
That was worth blowing up.
No asset safety then you ether log in to defend it or lose it.
Not just that with asset safety gone people will actually start using their brains again. A rare things these days.
Then rather than using taxes to get isk out the game, destruction of a station would actually mean destruction with drops controlledby the loot fairy.
Lower sales taxes get rid of assest saftey.
Game might just b a bit better
Sales tax’s are high to give manufactures a garenteed small profit compared to flippers. Where as before people where selling for under value to buy orders which where lower than cost becuase their own reasoning is “if I mine it its free” stupid type of mentality xD so in a way that 3% is pretty good for the economy imo.
My reason for lower sales taxes is no 1 lists items any more its all black market stuff. Least not moon goo and minerals
But i supose thats another topic. Get rid of assest saftey!!!
I’m all up for lower sales tax in low/null sec :D. Just no more benifits to Jita.
Yeah markets would b far better if taxes was lower. Nobody will sell any half expensive item because of taxes
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