Why does saftey asset delete 50 - 100% nw?


I’ve been evicted dozens of times.

You know, for me, who have stopped playing this game, you are right, it is just a 15% fee of my original nw.
but if i where to start playing again… well its 15% from ccp, already payed ccp, i dont have a problem with this 15% stack.
but…then it’s either added % loss due to ‘firesale prize’ or added % due to hauling, if its possible.
Some items/ships I can just write off 100% value off becouse i will just lose it to zkillboard.
Some items I can just write off 100% as they are never going to leave the station or transform into anything else then high m3 low isk paperweights.

so there you have it… paradox, sell my items to the evictors for cents to the dollar… or just forgo the items and keep them dormant… i will lose 50-100% :)=

Thats a lot of tears over either doing some effort or letting go of some stuff.


oh wow. now i see your post in a new light, i just thought you where … riding the short schoolbus and was wanting me to clarify what you didnt grasp… hm… i guess your ust a troublemaker then… but thanks for letting me describe my problem in detail for all to read.

Either your stuff is profit in which case its not required to make profit with, or its your stuff for making profit with and so worth the isk to protect.

As they are the only two cases that can exist you are literally crying over exactly nothing.

Why not grow a spine and take the loss like a man?


congratulations mate, did it ever occur during a social stress… of like final week and new job paths… also how was your life in general at the time of the evictions? stressful? alot of covid patients that needs nurture 24/7?
do you believe that players in your own ranks that had paused eve / where afk during your evictions would have another opinion then you? players that had experienced it from that angle, would they perhaps be able to have a more grounded view then you on the matter? or are you all of the above?

the only one i see here who are crying … it is you. here, have a tissue darling.

Shes crying, but you nade the whine thread about paying for asset safety.

Seems legit

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no… thats not true… CCP naded this thread with their bs-antics.
im just pointing out the elefant in the room

Oh look a “no, you” from a little boy who cant take it lol

Edit: Im deeply sorry for the offence you took vOv

Yes, I’ve had to figure out how to deal with things while I’ve been traveling, during vacations and other inconvenient times. It’s part of the game. One of the reasons why I do my best to stay liquid and not have a ton of crap laying around is because you never know when you’ll have to move everything.

I do not believe that the game itself would benefit from more mechanics to make things people own even safer. I think the opposite, honestly - we need to get people in space more than anything else, and mechanics added to the game that create incentives for people to not log in are not good.


All I’m really getting from this is the wonder of how a man can be such a crybaby over something that occurred to his space pixels due to his own lack of effort, and (according to himself) in a game he doesn’t even play anymore.

Then I notice you’re in brave and now I’m picturing a grown 30something man sitting on the floor, crying, and wearing diapers. And then it all makes sense.


Aisha, I often agree with you.

But I really don’t see why you would generalize null sec players or Brave players as being crybabies, just because the OP is a crybaby and happens to be playing in that part of the game.

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I solo pvp a lot. Apart from the overarching basic player types that exist there IS an, on average, difference per group. Brave do tend to cry a lot more often when caught out.

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I won’t deny there is an average player type per group, but in my experience as member of the same group, there aren’t many crybabies.

The OP is an exception.

I recall just one other character of my alliance that acted similarly, but I have a suspicion that it is another character of the same player.

But do you fight your own people, when it’s just you and them in local :wink:

No reason to do so, our space is always full of enemy players to shoot. :wink:

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Yeah. so… i dont understand you Brisc… ??
you say you want to ‘create more incentive for people to be in space’… but then you reject any ideas that actually would enable people/customers to be in eve/space, doing what they love doing…

personally i feel that eve is to big a place and takes to long to travel thru… Yes there are wh’s and there is also now a variety of jump-filaments. … still to big/timeconsuming to travel thru, according to me,… so i leave it alone just becouse of that…
so anyways… an ingame mechanics that would, in a controlled fashion, somehow, help with relocations of homestations in an orderly/timley fashion, as suggested, would be great for the gameplay.
deleting asset saftey would perhaps not always be great for the gameplay, but it would however be more honest, then now. deleting 50% of the systems in eve would also be great for gameplay - deleting (non deposited) isk mega-wallets would also be great for the gameplay… so who knows what ccp decide is great for eve… my money is on “better station design”.

I want people who are currently playing the game to be in space doing things. If you have left the game, for whatever reason, you’re not currently playing and thus you aren’t going to be in space. But if you have left stuff over that folks can fight for or attack (citadels, POSes) that gives people a reason to undock and to do things.

I haven’t rejected anything that would get people in space. Asset safety does not get people in space - it is the exact opposite. It incentivizes people not logging in. Don’t need to log in, my stuff is protected, it’ll just go to low sec, I can get it whenever I want, etc.

We already have these things. They’re called jump freighters. They’re called blockade runners. They’re called deep space transports. They’re called freighters. Relocating home stations in an orderly/timely fashion has created groups like Red Frog and others who are specifically playing the game to move people’s stuff around for them. This is actual gameplay.

Clicking a button and magically moving all of someone’s stuff half way across the galaxy destroys that gameplay. That’s a bad idea.


have you not read into my case? i state the exact opposite.
If i was able to re-locate all my stuff to my new home station, then i would play 24/7.(on vacation now)… now i play other games 24/7.

i have alot of juicy targets, thats multiple 2-5b fit PVE ship’s stuck in my inventory, that i want to bait you and your corp with. it is ashame. really. no xtra content for brisc, the content destroyer :frowning: … suit yourself.

the listed ships are used for an incremental “highvalue vs low m3”-cargo algorithm.
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