Why Doesn't My Faction Fitted Gila Work In Lvl 3 Abyssal?

I have an actively tanked faction Gila which I ran a lvl 3 abyssal in. I came in, there were 2 Webbers 2 Vampires and a Vedmak. I approached one of the containers, started the invuln, vampires, AB, launchers, and drones to target one of the vampires. A while later, I lost some shield and started my shield boosters, but it was not enough to active tank and then I was losing armor, I overheated mid but that still didn’t work, then I died, on the first gate. (I was solo)

I didn’t go out of range and kept approaching the container. When I looked at the kill mail it was one of the Webbers, only, dealing 17000 damage. What should I do?

[Gila, Gila Abyssal Deadspace]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Dread Guristas Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Medium Shield Booster II
Medium Shield Booster II
Domination Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Dread Guristas Shield Boost Amplifier
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

Dark Blood Medium Energy Nosferatu
Imperial Navy Small Energy Nosferatu
Limited ‘Limos’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Limited ‘Limos’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Limited ‘Limos’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Federation Navy Hammerhead x10

Guristas Scourge Light Missile x57

(of course I had more than 57 missiles but didn’t have time to reload, didn’t run out of cap either and drones were attacking all the time)

it’s not faction fit, it’s ■■■■ fit.

  • domination invul is ■■■■. It gives LESS resists than T2. Use gistum c-type instead. (CN invul is more expensive and worse)
  • using two MSB is ■■■■. It uses one more mid slot. If you look here you’ll notice ALL the SB T2 give the same HP/GJ so using two MSB you are going 60 HP/s with 1.5 HP/GJ ; using a LARGE you would have the same exact value, except with only one mid slot, that could be used eg for another invul, therefore increase your EHP/s more. Use CN LSB if possible, and the best is a GXT-LSB (84 HP/s, 2.6 HP/GJ) or XLSB if you can fit and afford.
  • tracking enhancer is ■■■■. Use DC T2 for more tank, BCU for more DPS.
  • NOS is ■■■■. use another launcher, a tractor. most rats can’t be nossed.
  • EM rig is ■■■■. use a solidifier to increase your HP/s, or another cap if you are too low on cap recharge (that is, below 5 min with only the shield booster on)
  • guristas missiles is ■■■■. CN do a bit more damage, and are the same price, therefore they are LESS expensive in terms of isk/damage, AND more efficient in terms of DPS.

This is terrible fit. Probable with bad piloting…

This guy have some nice tips and starting gila fit


@OP : on your fit I have 569DPS, 95.3 HP/s with 60.5% median resist, so 241 EHP/s

With the modifications I told(full T2 besides the cap battery), I have 111.6HP/s and 70% resist, so 372 EHP/s. I am only cap stable for 5 minute, but anyhow if the fight last longer and you are not able to remove DPS off the field, you are screwed.

Also what filament were you running?

I really need to see your fit…

  • I hadnt noticed, but I think domination invul is 25% while T2 is 20. Never thought of using deadspace modules, should have tried their price before… (thank you for this) (oh yeah it is 30… OH NO)

  • I don’t have powergrid for large.

  • I removed one tracking from the mid slots from this one Garry's Great Abyssal Guide: solved ships & fits to run L5 abyssal sites! (I know this one is good but its too expensive and I actually went for more security) so I wanted tracking, what is a DC though? (oh yeah damage control, that will make me aim worse, right? is it worth it?)

  • Nosferatu didn’t suck anything. I needed some cap and fitting can’t have one more gun or else I can’t fit it.

  • I’ll consider a solidifier, but that will increase cap usage and decrease EM resistance right? (I was using electric so I needed EM resistance, and to answer the question)

  • I don’t know about that but I’d say it’s true. If I get to use missiles again I’d go CN.

Can you send me the fit? That sounds really good and I think could tank the rats, but I can’t tell.

(the nosferatus though, I thought they couldn’t reduce cap on the target, but at least give me cap)

Anderson’s fits are normally superior, follow as much as you can. How are your fitting skills?

Damage control is more resistance to damage which is particularly good for active shield tanking. On the rigs you should be considering how much sustained shield boosting you can do, if you make the changes to the mids suggested you’ll be able to add engineering rigs, like CCCs which will help with your cap regen which will improve your ability to run your shield tank.

Also test your fit in T1s and Ts first, otherwise it will get expensive.

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Here we go. I removed the idiotic mistake of using a faction AIF and Nos, and instead of large I went for 2 Deadspace mediums. I use safeguards and get up to 4:30. I don’t have max skills so maybe 5 min is possible. I don’t use DC so I get more drone damage or tracking if you subsitute one of the DDAs for a tracking enhancer. I have 150 HP/s boost rate and probably 60% resists average which gives me about the same shield boost rate as yours. I could get a better one if I sacrifice one of the DDAs for a DC, which would give me larger resists and probably more shield boost. I do realize that this one is low on cap though, so I was hoping for a comparison once I get your fit.

[Gila, Gila Abyssal Deadspace]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Dread Guristas Shield Boost Amplifier
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

Small Tractor Beam I
Limited ‘Limos’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Limited ‘Limos’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Limited ‘Limos’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Limited ‘Limos’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard II

Federation Navy Hammerhead x10

Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile x76

He’s an active regen, mine was an active booster. They’re different and I’ll try out his fit (probably 20 more regen per second as I calculated) when I finish training for it.

I usually run Tier 3 Gamma and Exotic with this fitting hope this can help you.

This is a passive Tanking Gila the cost is 500-550 millions and you don’t need any special Implant to make this work.

[Gila, T3 Passive]
Shield Power Relay II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Republic Fleet 10MN Afterburner
Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Pithum A-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier

Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Small Tractor Beam II

Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Republic Fleet Valkyrie x5
Caldari Navy Vespa x5

Scourge Fury Light Missile x2080


And this
Maybe y should try passive. They will leech you to hell

I just imported it and I have 149.6 HP/s capstable with 60% resist, so 374 EHP/s

I tried with a dread guristas LSB, and had same rep but not cap stable.
Had to remove the tractor to place a PCT-LSB, but then I had 430 EHP/s - or I had to replace the SBA with a domination one(414 EHP/s, 12:50 stable with AB off).
WRT to the price increase I think you are right and going with two PCT-MSB is worth more. but replace that rig with a solidifier. You don’t have any use of being capstable all the time, since you will stop your AB once in position, and your tractor is pretty useless. But in the end it’s up to you, use a CCC if you want to feel safer, or a solidifier , or whatever ^^

Also I changed the launchers.

click to expand 457EHP/s, 487M
[Gila, *Gila Abyssal Deadspace]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Pith B-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Small Tractor Beam II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier I

Federation Navy Hammerhead x10

Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile x76
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Why all the scourge ?
Aren’t Trig week versus thermal !

If hes running exotic filaments their kinetic is lowered, also its not only trigs in abyss.

He was running electric afaik.
I did extensive testing , thermal are the best missiles for a Gila unless your in a kin site.

best v trig
equal v Drifters & Sleepers
best v drones


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