Why has "Seagulling" in Pochven not been declared an exploit

its nothing to do with the creation of pochven, the original 4 taxmen (myself, beta page, theia and nex) started it to capitalise the 24/7 running of the sites by the local alliances to farm the absolutely stupid amount of isk in the region

after that the salt and drama that stemmed from the blocs absolute incompetency was the main reason to continue it, eventually we decided to go all out and made it public for the fun of it (mainly because one of their FC’s dared us to)

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you capitalise on a exploit that ccp don’t want to fix for whotever reason

no more than the locals capitalized on bugged content with massively overtuned payouts

its not an exploit and despite that we have been in talks with ccp present to try and highlight many many issues in pochven that need to be worked on, that includes dialing back the stupid forms of sliding like repping a can far away or the lack of boundry

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CCP says not an exploit…

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Like the standing glitch with the drones ? that was an exploit but this one his not ?

basicaly double standard

it isnt really, the drone exploit was an oversight with unrelated content where as taxing has been in the game since pochven was created

To be fair i think they expected it to be formed much faster, but Serenity and its blueballing didn’t really help that, hence the poor caldari NPC’s so they knew there would be lost systems


I think you have that the wrong way around, CCP were in the TRIG discords, chatting to those people from very early in the Invasions. CCP dev described EDI players as “those that would go into an Ice Cream shop with 400 flavours and buy vanilla”.

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ngl thats pretty funny lmao

To be fair, much like the rest of us, they each have personal preferences, some will be pro-trig others will be pro-edencom

Also, EDI and edencom aren’t the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Although EDI were probably one of the most vocal pro-blue groups

Yeah, I couldn’t remember the exact quote but “EdenCom players” makes more sense than “EDI players”.

Vanilla Ice Cream makes us stronger.

you only need one dev that have a grudge for whotever reason

Normally these Seagulls are cloaked at extreme range, and uncloak at a specific point to gain the rewards. When they uncloak their are so far out even the fastest frigates can’t reach them before the dreadnaught is killed, and even if the player hold off killing the Dreadnaught the NPC Triglavian Dreadnaught kills it.

It’s a no win situation for any fleet trying to do the site when Seagulls are on site.

Partly true, the reason CCP were on Triglavian discords was the player groups actively engaged with CCP staff about bugs and events. I believe only a very few Edencom players engaged with CCP members the reason complained and we all know how well complaining to CCP doesn’t work.

I reported a number of issues to sledgehamemr myself as did a number of people, as normal there was a lot of complaining and i can’t speak for any complaints people made in private, we were generally civil in public, atleast as far as EDI goes, can’t speak for Melkor and his lot :stuck_out_tongue:

Once you reached a cetain stage in Eve plex is the defacto currency then US dollars.

Do you think people sit at fan fest talking about how much ISK they made? No the talk is about how good that wedding was or BBQ paid for in $ by selling space or isk. Less so now IMHO, but within the Asian eve community I suspect such BBQs are in full force, pandemic besides of course.

CSM Mike Azariah says this was fixed.

Now the fleet that did the most damage gets all the credit and seagulls get nothing.

I salute both the emergent game play that was seagulling and the effort to end that lower effort game play. Its the end of an era. Until the next era.