Why I do not use skins at all and won't even try SKINR

Where’s the button to add the skin to the fit, save the skin on the fit and then multifit the a whole fleet for all my alts?
Where’s the button to apply the skin to the already fitted thrashers, catalysts, cormorants, etc already in my hangar?

See my point? I’m not going manually apply every skin to every ship from every alt in every hangar in every play session.

I always see CCP as this company who offers one thing and with the thing you have 10 clicky chores, so I don’t use skins and I won’t

When the SKIN is done rendering, you have an option to apply or list on the Paragon hub. Currently there’s no method other than the Paragon hub to transfer SKINs to other characters (or alts). This is something apparently planned for the Winter expansion.

You can apply rendered SKINs in your inventory the same as you apply any other SKIN (ship fitting » personalization); I’m not sure how this is any different than when you apply regular SKINs (unless I missed something).

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