Why is CCP so afraid of effeminate SKINs?!?

OP has a valid point. It’s not like they’re using real paint. I’d go a few steps further and say we should be able to upload pictures for custom skins. That I’d pay for.

*If my bank can put my dogs picture on my Visa©…so should the nerds at CCP.

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I’m all for all colors having their skins :slight_smile: but, really, the only color that matters is gold and guess what, the Amarr empire has plenty of it without skins :hugs:
Long live Amarr !

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After all the hard work by the CCP Art Team, is it any wonder they dont want to give players too much freedom to mess with ship skins.

They have an aesthetic look that they want for the Eve universe. I imagine they really don’t want youtube vds and pictures of rainbow glow ships or ships with players faces stretched across them to get plastered all over the internet. MMO players can be a bunch of idiots at times, and there are always trolls trying to push things too far… trying to make the ugliest or rudest looking ships to troll other people.

This to be true. Surely there’s a compromise that would give players a little more “creative control”.

OH wait was this thread being serious?

Dear OP. Having purple and pink skins in a game of space ships tends to shorten what CCP calls TTP.

Not everyone wants their supposedly dystopian, grim space game flower-and-rainbowed up regardless of their possible personal femininity.

Can’t believe nobody has posted what used to be a joke here yet… *sigh


This is not Fortnite, that’s for sure.

I think CCP knows their customers, and I think that while a majority would be good with flamboyant characters, even very gay looking characters, I think that bright flashy gay-as-hell ships would be such a major turn off there would be an exodus.

See, in EVE, you fight the ship, not the pilot. If this were hand to hand combat I think the “ick” factor would come in powerfully with gay looking characters. But that ship above me looks like a demented sex toy now. Scaring away the majority of your customers to please a minority is just bad business.

I think the developers have their own vision as to the esthetics and mood of New Eden. The concept artists know exactly how EVE should look, what color tones it should take and how they should mix on stations and ships and modules…

The day I see candy-colored ships in New Eden is the day I uninstall the game and contract everything to you, Soltice. I understand you swing that way :rofl:

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Try playing around with the “repaint ship” option at https://eve-nt.uk/designer/ to see what you’re missing.

Dystopian with rainbow colors is a special kind of dark.

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maybe because they don’t like their game becoming hello homo kitty rainbows online, which is detrimental to the dark and cold feel of a space game??

Zakuraaaaaaaaaaaaa !! :laughing: :+1:

It’s clearly a plot against women created by sexually insecure bearded men…

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Put on that Zakura suit, Salty-Foamy.

You know you want to.

I am going to collect all of the Zakura SKINs. They are best PLEX sink ever, IMHO.

I’d totally fly that just to piss people off. :rofl:

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Gives “play hello kitty online” a whole new meaning. :slight_smile:

Some nice concept art.

I think there is plenty of space for bright and vibrant colors even in dystopian space future.