Why mining inEVE-Online Sucks and is boring - And what i would change

Imagine bringing a jamming ship…

That is exactly what i say, you have to have a not “mining ship” to scout, because there is no mining ship which is good in it. Than you hav to have a ship to do logistic support, because it is ridiculous to pin a 2mrd or 13mrd into space to protect a ship which is less worth. than you need some ships to defent because it is impossible to hold back against anithing in a miningship.

To conclude it, if you want to go mining you have to do it in systems where homestations to switch at all times are awaleable. What always mean run dock, switch, wait. there is never a, let them come, lets try. there is no we are welcomeing pvp and that is the reason why this mechanic is teaching new players which are interested in mining, PvP is bad.

My idea is, what if your miningships give you the tools to not have to dock all the time and to switch into different ships. The gankers would have more content and the miners would risk more and would enhance their strategies.

To make my point, all my ideas are just filling empty spots, spots which would leed to more freedom of chiose. and enhanceing mechanics which are once mentioned but not capable anymore cause of many gamechangeing updates. and none of my ships are ment to be that strong to outplay any gancers and always win all scenarios. My ideas are comeing just back to one question, why is mining not consideres as PvP action, if the biggest enemy of miniers are other Players?

every ship has a d-scan and the local is also available for all ships … !

nobody said you NEED to use an industrial core to “pin your ship into space” and if you have 13b worth on field … think about who did the fail if a gank happens :wink:

because a mining ship isnt build to fight oO
and no you dont need to bring a “defense” ship cause its useless xD if you would use eve mechanics then you can easy avoid ganks!

why ? Oo … you want to mine then mine ! if you want to fight then dont mine … quite simple
go and look for your loved rocks and then mine it !

what if i say … you dont need to dock every 5 mins … maybe its once a day and you cant handle once a day docking ? and why switch into different ships ? if they dont find you in a belt then they dont gank you and then you dont have anything to “fight” with …
and NO miner would take more risk … because mining ships are not meant to be fighting ships and if you change mining ships into fighting ships then whats the point of having fighting ships ?

your change suggestion doesnt make sense … you still got a lot of EHP buffs the last years so you have way more protection then years before !

no they dont … they just show you want to be 100% safe against gankers ! YOU want to have immortality against other professions !

simply no …

sure …

IT IS ! but its not a direct PvP ( ship vs ship ) its more of market PvP !
btw … why is there a specialiced ship ingame if you wanna change it to an specialiced miner + good fighting ship ?`still does not make sense !
provide ganking with mechanics they are ectualy exist ingame and not by adding supirior mining ships to the game !

biggest enemy of a miner is always the miner by himself ! why ? because he always play as a victim and want to buff THEIR playstyle to heaven …

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There, I summarized your idea for you in your own words.


Are you hiding under the floorboards? :thinking:


Returning player staring fresh just wondering if this idea is about blending mining and pvp into mining ships, or if it is an idea about mining?

If it is first I think it is tiny wee bit like suggesting freighters should get doomsday devices.

If it is latter then the discussion had to revolve around what ways of mining or recource harvesting mechanisms exist in different (space) mmorpgs and ask if one not present in eve could be introduced.

Mining doesnt suck, mining allows you to do other things around the house while your barge earns ISK.

This is the longest, most well researched and argued post ever about mining in eve online. Quite possibly the most compelling feature request post ever.

Unfortunately, despite the great technical knowledge expressed and brain power expended, it is still attempting to solve problems that don’t exist.

There are over 200 other ships in eve that are easily available to every pilot. Use one of those. The industrial revolution will never be as good as a few actual ships for the proper purpose.

At first i want to thank you, it seems as if you tried to be construcktive,


What is makeing an fleethangar in a mining barge that mining barge a better pvp ship, what is an boost to rep.-drones makeing an Barge that op in pvp akition? and what makes an skiff impossible to gank if you take away some of its already op tank and bind it to an aktive damage modul like the assoult battle cruisers have. jes the miner have to play eve to do the same, yes you would start to play as a fleet if the tasks would be devidet to multiple players.

Why it is wrong to take some of the powers of the orca and rorqual, (the Egg-laying jack of all trades) and include it to differnend ships. at the moment you just need miners and one of the all in one solutions.

My op. boosts are: 25% Drone-rep with max skills. for the Mackinaw therfore no boost for the orca.
+heavy drones are included at the boost of the Skiff, therefore half the tank if you dont use the assoult- Damagemodul otherwise you can come close to the HP of today atleast for 10sec, if you dont go for max yield. (by the way all my changes are more of an idea to transport an massage than a final number i want 1to1 in the game - some of the boosts i gave that day are to high, talking about the Endurance, if you get dronedamageboost you must lose the cloaking boost otherwise it is to op.)

So bring it to a point, my boosts are more of an balanceing nature. To bring it to a point, my wishes for mining are not to enhence an particular playstyle, that you are talking about, my wish is to end it. I dont want to have miners who are affraid of playing eve because the mechanics of mining are completly different to the rest of the game. i just thought what if miningfleets would funktion in its core more like all the other fleets, but with different Targets.

Excludet to my main post, i am totally with you, it sounds as if i want to have ships to do all and never have to fly any ship outside of the Ore-Fleet. Yes my ships are better than the old ones, and yes if you decide to do less ore per/h you can come with a fleet which is as expensive as a T2 fleet with almost an T1-fleet damage, plus the downside, you are 100% on drones. what makes pvp expensive slow and Difficult. but possible.

But i guess its my fault, maybe my english is bad, or my post is to long, because to this day nobody wanted to dick into my idea or to think about what it is i want to change, and which effect it yould have to the game, in good or bad. All the posts i read are against that Narative,… about miners want more yield, more HP more, more, more.

Im still waiting for that one day someone is looking into my post and discusses about points i say, and not about things they think i mean, without going into it.

so far many have basically told you to get good at the game, learn how to build fleets, doctrins, how to manage people, make a corporation, set goals, etc…I will add learn how to fit ships according to how you want to see thing dones.

your idea(S) is simply a transcript about how much you do not know how to play EvE, so get some expeirence as a leader…even simply as an FC then come back to the forums.

i will show you how your changes will make them OP combat ships ( as a specialized mining ship )
skiff … heavy drones … with dmg bonus and 85km drone operation range … and the 10 sec “invul timer” with your assault damage controle …

the machinaw … an overpowered logistic ship ( as a mining ship ) with 100% role bonus to rep ammount and another 25% rep bonus to the barge skill …

the fleet hangar dosnt make a ship a better PvP ship but still there is no point for having a fleet hangar on a mining ship ! its createt as MINING SHIP and not as hauling ship

this changes you have in mind will make them better PvP ships ! but you dont want pvp otehrwise you would fly a PvP ship ! instead youre sitting in a belt and you are harvest some materials ! tell me … why do i need a PvP ship if i have enough of your mining ships ?

this ship is useless because we have the porpoise ! its build to be a light version of an orca !
and no ship has any cycle reduction of their industrial cores ! this does not exist at siege modules from dreads ! this does not exist at triage modules from faxes ! this does not exist at bastion modules ! and this dont exist at industrial cores ! if you dont want the penalty of an industrial core then dont use it !

this ship is useless because we have 4 hauling ships with fleet hangars ! no need for more … if you want an hauling ship with a fleet hangar then use one of the following 4 ships

  1. Bustard
  2. Occator
  3. Mastodon
  4. Impel

this ship is useless becuase we already have the porpoise ! and we dont need a ship that can boost, mine with mining lasers or strip miner, hack data and relic sites,100% more bubble immunity, salvager and cov ops cloak with 300% velocity bonus in cloak ← no covert ops ship has a velocity bonus with a covert ops cloak ! this is your “eierlegendewollmilchsau” ! to strong ! and we dont need overpowered ships, we already have to much ingame !

this orca change would be to strong because we already saw it with your mackinaw … there is no need for logistic drones ! youre only generate a very strong logistic chain without any logistic ships !

thuis rorqual change were to strong because we dont need overpowered tackle ships with fighters !
and yes, rorquals are used as heavy tackle ships if you wanna catch some caps or supercaps !
and we also dont need a salvaging rorqual … oO

this ship is more then overpowered … you have a mix of jump freighter, bowhead and a rorqual ( only the ore cargo and industrial core )
it can fit an industrial core with reduced cycle ( i already said why a reduced cycle is an overpowered stupid idea ) and you think this would be a good idea ? oO if you wanna move ships though space then use a bowhead ! if its in low or null then use a cap …

you completly forget then the actual ships for mining and boosting are very specialices … and you want to add them some other stuff that you dont need to have PvP ships if a small group disrupts your mining fleet ? Oo … just 2 words → Standing Fleet ! almost every nullsec alliance has one and if you are in there then you can request help and someone will help you ! nobody needs specialices mining ships with more combat abilitys !

youre scout is not in a mining ship ! why ? because you need it on another place to scout … you want a tackle ? then fit tackle to your mining ships or switch some of them to tackle ships ! then you have tackle …

and why is it ? because miners are greedy ! if you have 12 accounts you want all of them in a belt to collect ISK ! if you now start to switch ships then you are missing maybe 2-3 of these accounts which dont create ISK anymore …

mining ships are mining ships because they are specialiced to harvest your materials ! if you wanna be PvP capable then use maybe drone boats with mining lasers ! then you can fit for PvP but dont have any bonus to mining anymore !

you cant have both …

your “boosts” are only to push your mining op ! its a personal choice to be more lazy …

if i mine then i´m not afreid xD why ? because i know the mechanics and if you know how it works you can use the game mechanics to your advantage !
and if you are to afreid to mine then its your personal choice ! eve has already everything you need to be safe as possible as miner …

and btw… mechanics work exactly the same if youre mining or not ! mechanics are the natural laws of eve online ! they are everywhere als always there no matter what youre doing !

the reason why nobody agrees with you is very simple … youre creating to stong ships with more usage then mining ! we dont need such ships because the mining ships we already have are at a very good state !

then you need to start play this game like everyone else ! but youre ships are only to add more lazyness to mining and hauling … we dont need more lazyness ! we need exactly the opposite way → more active gameplay !


i didnt say anything about the mining frigs !

just a few things :

They are great at their job ! no need to “fix” them !

Or what we need is Love

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