Why ORE Industrial ships do not have bonuses to gas?

Did these ships got released before gas was a thing and noone took a second look or is there some kind of actual reason?

P.S. What is the best place to drop these noob questions in?
P.P.S. Why there are no drones for gas harvesting?

Edit: I am talking about ORE industrials: Porpoise, Orca, Rorqual
Edit2: What a pity that Gnosis supersedes Porpoise, Orca and even Rorqual with 2-8 ships on grid

What do you mean, ORE ships no bonuses to gas?

… and others too.

Looks like all of the ORE mining ships have gas-harvesting bonuses, aside from the Endurance. The Endurance on the other hand is pretty strong for ice mining.

This subforum (new citizens Q&A) is a good place for those.

So there’s some variance between different types of mining, and it isn’t all the exact same gameplay with a different colour and name.

Gas harvesting also doesn’t have any low slots to improve yield, while ore mining doesn’t have rigs for additional yield.

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These are ORE ships, I am talking about ORE industrials: Porpoise, Orca, Rorqual

Thanks for informative reply but I did not mean those ships

Oh you’re talking about the ORE command ships?

Yea, those are for mining support. Their boosts also benefit gas cycle time so even if there are no gas drones it’s not a bad idea at all to bring a Porpoise to a gas huffing fleet to greatly improve the harvesting speed of the entire fleet.

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I believe those are Industrial . They have bonuses to their own mining of ice and ore but not to gas

Semantics really??

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In my mind all of the non-combat ships like haulers, miners, salvagers and mining command ships are industrial ships. After all all ORE ships and non-ORE haulers are ships that fit in the industrial ship maintenance bay of the Rorqual or can take the industrial jump bridge of the Rorqual.

The thing that mostly sets apart the Porpoise, Orca and Rorqual from the other industrials is that they’re industrial command ships, brought for their mining boosts and supportive qualities for the mining fleet.

However you call them, these command ships can bring strong mining boosts and extra storage to a gas huffing fleet and will be beneficial to the fleet even if they cannot harvest gas themselves.

Alternatively look for a Gnosis. I’ve heard they can bring boosts and a rack full of gas scoops. The main downside is the lack of cargo space then.

Well it is “Industrial” in their category and I do not think any other category has that.

What a pity that Gnosis supersedes Porpoise, Orca and even Rorqual in this use case. What a shame from game design perspective.

With that logic, Command Ships are the only vessels that are in fact Ships in the game, as most other categories aren’t called Ship.

Semantics aside, the Gnosis doesn’t supersede the Porpoise in general, only in a very specific niche:

  • cargo space is meaningless for you
  • you have between 2 and 8 ships on grid

Generally while mining you are limited by cargo space. That Gnosis isn’t going to be able to hold the gas you huff. You might want to jetcan mine and bring a hauler along to carry the gas out if you’re using a Gnosis, because of the severe lack of cargo space, but if you do, why not boost with a Porpoise instead so you can put the last character in another Venture for more yield?

Also if you have enough ships in the fleet the higher boosts of the Porpoise exceed the Gnosis. The Orca already exceeds the Gnosis’ self-yield with better fleet boosts at 4 miners.

5km3 cargo space (same as a venture)

this is dumb

[Gnosis, *Gas Booster]
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Co-Processor II

50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Survey Scanner II
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Medium Micro Jump Drive

Mining Foreman Burst I
Gas Cloud Scoop II
Gas Cloud Scoop II
Gas Cloud Scoop II
Gas Cloud Scoop II
Gas Cloud Scoop II

Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Medium Cargohold Optimization II
Medium Cargohold Optimization II

Hammerhead II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5

Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16
Mining Laser Optimization Charge x300

It’s possible, but for finishing several clouds it’s not enough, you need at least another Miasmos.
Cons of the Pseudo Porpoise:

  • No gas compression module
  • Only one command burst
  • No Fleet Hangar
  • 1/10 size Ore Hangar

A Porpoise is a command ship, not a fellow mining ship offering some boosts.

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what a pity you come here to discuss about semantics, and repeat the same thing without paying attention to what other experienced players answered.

Porpoise/Rorq etc are command ships, boosting ships rather than pure mining ships, even if they can mine a bit.
It is like talking about some boosting ships in pvp fleets and regreting that they do not have good bonuses to damage dealt by all types of weapons. No they don’t, but they provide good boosts, that’s what they are made for.

Are you saying that boosting ships do not have superior fire power to their lower class counterparts? It would be nice if ORE boosting ships had at least same as Venture’s scouping capacity

Mining command ships are not a ‘higher class’ mining vessel than Ventures. It’s a different class ship, a sidegrade rather than an upgrade. Ventures are mining ships, a Porpoise is not. It’s a mining command ship.

Fair point, thanks for pointing it out

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read again, i said they do not have bonuses for ALL types of weapons