Why should I renew my subscription?

Is pretty easy to debunk since they cost immense amounts of ISK new players don’t have except if the purchase PLEX with $ and sell it on the market to the older players because:

Yeah, where do the SP come from the “new players” purchase? Yes, they come from old players who have enough SP and now just let “new players” finance their hobby. So what skill injectors really did is, it cheated new players who are not familiar with EVE and felt they “need to catch-up” out of their RL $.

I really don’t know if your ignorance it more tragic or more funny at this point. You defend skill extractors but moan about the multibox gank fleets of late? Those gank fleets are not alphas, they are PLEXed Omegas which are basically free because of SP extractors. Gank alts have a fixed skill set. After two months of training they are done and you can just train some big skill and extract at the end of the month for ISK and get a new PLEX for the next month with it. I told CCP in the very first thread where they announced SP extractors that this would happen and that I oppose it. Almost everyone was fine with it, only saw their own benefits…

And now here we are, we can create free omega alts, great feature. It is absolutely ridiculous! And this comes from someone who is in an organisation which uses this to the fullest. I use it myself but I rather had it gone, for the sake of the game. Yes it would make ganking more expensive again, but there are really more important things than that