Why should I renew my subscription?

Not sure why you think that. I’ve played plenty of games that were obviously broken and enjoyed myself. From console based football games where a certain play always works to RTS games where certain strategies are massively overpowered.

If the game is fun… I keep playing. When it gets boring or grindish or stops being enjoyable… I stop. For subscription games, the designers have to keep enough players having fun so they keep subscribing. If they fail at that… their players go away and so does the game.

That isn’t my concern. I just play or not depending on how fun the game is for me. That’s all that matters.


All these kills from Concord are a handful of people. The dozens of kusion, Whyte, Love, Fizzleblade, Termoplyte, uninstall, and so on and so forth alts are all handled by a handful of actual players. Your graph is useless once you know that.

Regarding the actual topic: There is not really any reason to subscribe anymore. If you are in CODE, you can gank with an Alpha char just fine.



–Gadget Knows


Who said anything about value?

My graph doesn’t address value, it addresses the rate. Value is entirely in the hands of the people they target.

I can…


Why is it useless? It depicts Concord kills over a time period. It also includes the people who get themselves concordokken via means other than suicide ganking.

The number of people involved is irrelevant, despite suicide ganking requiring multiple characters per target Concord activity shows an overall decline; and they kill each and every suicide ganker.


Ganking without multiboxing is seriously boring because of the 15min timer. So no, no serious ganker will ever use an alpha to gank. Also the DPS is seriously important and there is still a big difference from alpha to omega.

Anyway, I already mentioned it, but here again: You can get free omega accounts by extracting SP. So why would I ever play as an alpha? That’s just for people who are to dumb to use an extractor.

That works, too, but then you are subscribed again. :>

Does DPS really matter with a Tornado against a T1 hauler? Playing with a “friend” who loots your target’s wreck.


What is to stop gankers from using proxies and throw away alpha accounts? Oh, right…nothing.

No, dps doesn’t matter because you can just bring more Alpha catalysts.

Next time skip the emotional argument wall of text and try to explain how skill injectors even effect you as a player. You are just crying about the loss of advantages that were originally poor game design.


I already explained how extractors make omega accounts free and that there is no need for alphas for ganking.

Also this thread was not about ganking. So can you please stop to spam the same crap you spamed in countless other threads and stay on topic. Thanks


The question in the OP was more about if I should pay for the game with $ because it still holds value that justifies the expense of 15$ per month. I even mentioned that I don’t leave the game and use SP extractors and PLEX. It has also nothing to do with ganking.


Your name makes them think of ganking only :sunglasses:

CCP played against eve they lost,that’s about all driving and typing allows me to say…
…your styff can i haz?,il use it in all forms of afk and carebearing as a content supplier.


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They aren’t totally free. You still need an extra 300-400 mil per month account to cover the cost of 500 plex.

The lack of players have made these changes necessary. Or would you rather have the servers go down? Sorry, but nobody wants to play a game where grief monkeys have all the advantages.

Ultimately you are crying that other people are going to be on more equal footing to you. Suicide ganker tears best tears.

btw, can I have your stuff?:smile_cat:

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10 years is a long time to continuously play a single mmo. Maybe take a break for a few months, try some of the newer mmo’s. There’s some really good ones out now.

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EVE forever (2011).

Forever EVE (2016-?).

Very interesting OP, even if I come from a totally opposite walk in EVE, yet it’s sad to see it as our conclusions are the same. Makes me think that it’s gonna hurt to see EVE actually die. Not as a theory. Not as a meme or a threat, “do this or else”. But actually die.

My current intuited timeline:
2020: EVE Online enters maintenance mode.
2023: the last server shuts down.

But hey, stiff your upper lip: it’s not as if Chribba left yet!


yeah I used to be a CCP fan boy way back in the day. I started 2005 and saw this game as a game designed by gamers for gamers that want to play internet spaceships, I think sometime after 2008 that changed with the huge push into commercialization and later the excuses they used to leave things or take things out of the game.

They laid off lots of people, the company used to have 600 people now it has under 200 with the “VR” layoffs which was more than VR staff and the closing of the whole ATL office. They keep wasting our money project they cancel half way through, or put something out and than shut it down (the vampire MMO, Dust514 “because programing is hard”, Valk “the world isn’t ready for VR yet” and many more unlisted projects they haven’t told us about.

Allowing people from large companies come in and tell them what is best for eve got us Alpha to balloon their numbers and magically become a $1b company. more excuses on removing things from the game (IGB because its just to much work to keep upgraded and now the recent balance will be AF only because they ran out of time in 8 months to balance a handful of ships).

Their constant disdain for the player base between allowing other players to speak for them aswell as their own Foot-in-mouth of “we are at a point we can lose players”

the push for more group content while most corps/alliance are small groups that don’t want to pull together and do anything unless its pvp and even than they have issues there.

so yeah I watch CCP making poor decisions all the time and its upsetting, when they do give the player base what they want they over shoot it into something that’s not wanted or come up with an excuse of why they cant do something.

so yeah I know how you feel, im 1 account too and if I wasnt in west Africa where I can hardly maintain a connection on super expensive crappy internet id go back to someone else paying my sub as im currently subbed right now.

what we need is a massive unsubbing, imagine something most of the eve players just going alpha for a few months, null groups farming in alpha battleships still making large amounts of isk and no one paying a sub.


But the point of Alpha is that you can just come back at any time right?

Was following along right up to the Lat paragraph. A mass unsubbing, at this time, would be the death knell on EvE.

I don’t think than any actual players really want to see EvE end, otherwise, why are they here?

–Gadget has to go, EvE doesn’t



Hey Op,
Over the past 6-12 months i have found myself asking this very question more and more frequently…

I have a few personal goals/agendas, and i have friends that keep me active and playing.
As a player since 2010, EvE has been fun, and sometimes it felt like a job(FC Cat herding or CEO woes), i find the lack of clear direction from CCP disturbing to say the least. More disturbing is the number of not needed if not unecessary changes, some UI,others like the ability (or less ability) to control our sounds.

I find the imbalance of concentrating on 1 area over another as a policy also disturbing…
As in doing things for nullsec without apparent consideration for places like highsec or WH in mind, or vice versa.
I am a bit biased though, EvE is my first MMO, I have tried others and I no longer even play them, only EvE…its the only game where the meta being more important than the game itself keeps me interested and intrigued to stay subbed.

And that last is about the only thing i can really say or ask towards you, what are your motivations? Have you obtained your goals in game? If EvE no longer holds a sparkle in your eye, or it just plain seems like you have reached the end like a single player game and you are just reloading the save file just before the end trying to see if there more optional endings…it might be time to take a break. Or move on. Yet only you and you alone can truly ascertain this…so reach down deep Capsuleer, have you truly achieved yet all that you personally want to achieve,are you satisfied?


Well,if it was my only horse I might have to put it down. It would be kinda embarrassing to have it keel over in the town center in front of the Mercantile.

Doc can you do something? Anything?

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