Why should I renew my subscription?

You’re trolling now

You got the answer twice
And you still persist to answer the same question…

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You are the one who calls it an SP farm and confused yourself with the term. I already explained to you in the middle of the thread that I extract the SP accumulated over the month to pay for the next PLEX because I don’t need more SP for my gank and support account… it just lowers the PLEX cost it does not generate ISK.

I’m seriously astonished how you are able to always confuse yourself with simple words while not understanding what people are actually talking about.

I did a quick numbers check and if you

  • have +5 implants
  • optimal mapping
  • sell for the highest current sell order price
  • and buy extractors and Plex for the best buy order price
    you will end up at around 50m profit per month.

If you don’t play the trading game or use your characters somewhere where you don’t want to use those +5s, you are already out of the profit zone.

Is it possible to make a business out of it? Probably, if you invest sufficiently and play the market right in the mid to long term. But you are most likely better off if you just take your investment and put it directly into the market.
Is this practical to do on the side? No.
Is this guaranteed, low effort income? Also no.

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Those 80% didn’t end their sentences with a question mark. So no it wasn’t you answering their questions.

It was you following up with a senseless retort.


Salvos… let’s talk about NET.

NET means you sum the expenses and costs.

If I get 1.3b in isk from a toon I extract skills from and I spend 1.5b to plex that toon (and I haven’t bought plex in a while so I have no idea how accurate those figures are)… my NET is NEGATIVE 200m isk.

It’s a net negative.

A net positive would mean you earn more isk than you spend.

The activity of skill farming is a slight net negative. Now you can use the account to do PI or other isk making activity to make it a positive account… but that’s outside the skill farming math. Heck, I could not farm skills and just play the game to make isk… and the account would be net positive. That doesn’t mean the activity of avoiding skill farming is a net positive decision.

If she didn’t extract and sell skills, it would cost here 1.6b to plex the account or 0 if she didn’t keep the account at all.

net income = revenues - cost of doing business.

So net income from sp farming = revenue from selling injectors - the cost to subscribe and buy extractors.

You can look up those values and do the math. I don’t care enough to do so, but I did it about 6 months ago. Came up to a 20m a month loss at that time. This isn’t an opinion subject… all the numbers are available for you. But Ima’s report seems reasonable for someone who’s running a somewhat less than perfect efficiency skill farm… so I see no reason to doubt her.

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I have cleaned up some of the ridiculousness in this thread. My brain hurts from having to read some of these arguments…


Thanks for your work

Well I’m sure it was in the job description.


took a bit work off you and deleted my other posts
maybe you can write me why you deleted my other post … i am really **************************************************** but thats ok … maybe i have to be … this topic is a joke and its still open …
@Ima_Wreckyou was never interessted in answers to his starting post so …


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The question posed in the thread topic has already been resolved by the OP, no need to keep this thread active since it’s just fodder to incite forum flame war.

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If you are not interested in discussing, why not just move on?

It seams it is always the same toxic posters like @DeMichael_Crimson, @Salvos_Rhoska and some Fab Rod alt who try to derail every thread they are not interested in to force ISD to close it.

I really hope ISD don’t fall for your games and just remove you so that the people who are interested in the topic can share their view. I think overall we had some very nice posts and points raised from people from every way of EVE.

It would be a shame if the constructive discussion would be killed off just because of a few forum terrorists.


The thread topic has been resolved since you’ve already made a decision pertaining to the question originally presented in the thread title.

As such there’s nothing left to discuss.

I hope you can quickly find more time to play in the future and actually do a yearly resub. Personally I like to think CCP places great value on having accounts that pay yearly subscriptions.

You are not the moderator here. If you think there is nothing left here for YOU to discuss, then move on. It’s not like you added a lot to the discussion anyway. So please just move ob.

But I see no reason why we should close the thread, as the topic is still relevant to a lot of people not just me. There is nothing gained by removing this thread

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Ahhh, guess you missed this:

Unless you are investing your money with the explicit purpose of some future payoff, you don’t buy things that you hope will be better in the future. You buy them because they provide some value right now. And the same goes for relationships. With the possible exception of children. You sort of roll the dice there and hope for the best. But you never know. That cute little baby boy could turn out to be a little shitbag no matter what you do.

I’ve always loved how passionate EvE players are about the game. I’ve been playing for 10 years next month. It’s been a blast. But the older I get, the more I treat entertainment the way you have to treat everything in life from relationships to jobs and ask yourself a question: is this worth it for me right now?

For me, the answer is yes. It’s totally worth the 15 bucks a month for the amount of fun I get out of it. That could change in the future. And I’ll be honest, when life gets hard and I’ve been out of work, EvE is the first place I cut costs. It’s not much, but it’s a cost.

So I would say this: renew your subscription if you still enjoy the game as it is right now today. Don’t buy a game based on the promise of future improvements. Don’t buy anything based on what it might become in the future unless you’re playing the long game in an investment strategy.

But if you can log in today, blow ■■■■ up, die in a glorious ball of fire and enjoy the hell out of it, or scam people for billions, or build an empire with your corp, or solo mine to your heart’s content, or farm missions, or play the markets, or whatever it is you like to do, then yeah: resub. If those things have lost their luster, and you’ve tried different things to try to recapture the magic, and it’s just not working: don’t.

Every once a couple of years, I’ll spin up a new character and start over from scratch. Maybe join RvB, or go solo pirate, or join some ■■■■■■■■ corp for the hell of it. It’s a good way for me to forget about the meta and the big-picture frustrations and remember that this is all supposed to be fun. But that’s not a thing for everyone.

It doesn’t have to be a personal thing. It’s a transaction. CCP makes something that provides a service. If you want what it is right this minute because it gives you some entertainment, that’s great. Go for it. If it’s not working for you, then walk away. Spend your money and your time enjoying something else.

I think it’s particularly important to think of entertainment as transactional because it’s so ephemeral. If you invest 10 years in a relationship with a person, you would hope that would lead to more years of a good relationship. Doesn’t matter if it’s friends or lovers or what. But with good choices about who you spend your time with, investing time in people can be expected to bring about more good times with people. Things go similarly with, for example, a retirement account. If you pay attention to every dip and surge of the market and get wrapped up in that, well, you’re in for a rough time. The whole point of that exercise is that you completely ignore the short term fluctuations and look at the long term only.

But entertainment isn’t an investment, and it doesn’t pay dividends of any kind. I think that CCP has sort of marketed themselves into a hole here because they push the investment/reward model implicitly with the time-based (as opposed to grind-based) training. So it does feel a lot more like a relationship than it does going to see a movie or something.

But in reality, EvE isn’t fundamentally different from going to see a movie or binge-watching House of Cards, or collecting coins. When it stops being fun or interesting, you stop and go do something else.

Your post is mostly focused on why you should pay a subscription. And frankly, I think it’s the wrong question. I would ask myself, why should I keep spending my time on this game? The sub fee is nothing compared to the value of your time. It’s literally pennies a day. Is the game worth your time? Worth significant chunks of your life?

This is not some moralist lecture on how to spend your time. But it’s worth asking yourself how you want to spend your time. If this is what you like right now, it’s worth the money. If not, I’m sure other things are.


Very well said and I could not agree more. Thank you for your post.

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This thread has run its course, and is now just going in circles.
