Why The SAFETY. Or CODE as they call themselves must be stopped

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Were you aware that if you stop streaming you can’t be stream sniped?



=== TWU ===

Things will get better for you, once you accept YOUR PRINCESS Aiko as your gank mistress and submit to your betters. :frog:

They haven’t infringed on any freedom you have, just your characters’; and in EVE, there is no inherent right to freedom for our characters.

You can get up from your chair, exit the game, go about doing any of the things you normally do and nothing CODE. or Safety. do infringes on any of that, at any time.

In EVE, our characters are subject to the will of each other. It’s a competitive game after all.

That’s the spirit. Good luck.

I hope there is lots of destruction on both sides; and lots of enjoyment in the process.

I hope EVE is Free. #freeEVE

@Alexandre_Arthie heyyy


Allow me to make this perfectly clear. Intentionally making a mess of the Intergalactic Summit will result in consequences outside of this Summit. Play nice, play fair and follow the rules.

Thank you,

~Alexandre Arthie

Alexandre Arthie,
Directive Enforcement Department
CONCORD Assembly