Why WH?

The argument is my entertainment now.

if you knew how wormholes worked, you would be able to roll/crit the holes, watch for new sigs and rat in safety… lol

I do know all that, I also know nothing is 100%, they might have peeps seeded, etc. Also I’m an actually true solo, one main player :smiley:

All in all, I simply don’t care enough to go in his hole :smiley:

You make like WHs are so hard. They aren’t.

Also, just know when the next WH nerf hits, its cause of Arc :smiley:

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So to summarize; @Gix_Firebrand

  1. You are good at the game
  2. You know wormholes in and out, especially the niche mechanics
  3. You’re offered 10,000,000,000 isk to make a video of you solo’ing a c5, which you claim you can “easily do”
  4. You refuse, stating that you are a solo player and have no interest in it

What? Who turns down 10bil isk? Sounds to me like you are a liar and you can’t actually do it.


“if you knew how wormholes worked, you would be able to roll/crit the holes, watch for new sigs and rat in safety… lol”

My guess would be he (@Gix_Firebrand) doesn’t know that, despite his claims he is a master of wormhole space.

Very odd then, that he wouldn’t know the basics. I’m almost tempted to say he is a liar.

But players of his skill level do things common folk cannot comprehend.

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The sock puppet is strong on this one…

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Why? I don’t need it :smiley:

Why would I waste valuable game time just to please Arc ROFL.

I know I can do it, I simply don’t want to. Also you’re assuming he wouldn’t welch. I absolutely no reason to trust him and considering his emotional immaturity, I’m betting it would not be honored.

He just wants me inside his hole :smiley:

I do know the basics :smiley: But you assuming a lot of factors and downplaying others. You know as well as I do most C5s got peeps in them. A true solo player would be hard pressed LOL.

You realize I know he’s trynna get me killed, and its a trap right?

Yea haha. I mean I take it as a compliment that he uses all these alts.

Dude has legit social skill problems tho.

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Is the 10bn restricted to only Gix, or can someone else get in on that action?

He don’t got the 10 bil :smiley:

He’s too busy trying to convince everyone WH’s aren’t ISK faucets since he messed up and bragged to the CSM about it LOL.


Arcturen, as you allege, lives in an ‘isk faucet’.

He flies around in multiple 5bil marauders, 8 - 10bil revelations and archons, and manages a host of upwell structures in an ‘ISK FAUCET’.

He definitely has 10bil liquid… his assets alone I’m sure are worth close to over a hundred…

‘he doesn’t have 10bil’
‘I don’t care about money even if he does’
‘you couldn’t pay me 50bil to record a video of me solo’ing a c5’

You can’t solo a c5 site, @Gix_Firebrand , at this point you are just making excuses.

You are a liar and a phoney.

Don’t claim to do things you can’t and don’t act like something you’re not.


Holy alt post batman. Why pretend you aren’t him LOL.

I mean scroll up if you want to read what I said again :smiley:

Sorry bro, I don’t want to go in your hole.

LOL did your other alt get banned too?

Sure you do bro, sure you do :smiley:

Pure speculation,

Unless, you know…. Sock puppet…. Which is also very strong with this one.

I mean, I can get the video within 24 hours if you want chaps.

Just sayin’

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If its an open offer I’ll make an hour long video of me doing 3 sites in an hour for the 10b.

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This is solely for @Gix_Firebrand .

I had a strong inkling he was a hardcore liar and I wanted to prove it… which this certainly does.

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This is solely for @Gix_Firebrand

I had a strong inkling he was a hardcore liar and I wanted to prove it… which this certainly does.

If he knew half of what he jabbered on about, the video would be in my inbox right now.

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Oh? How so? ROFL.

Again, you can read my other responses.

But I’ll leave the TLDR here for posterity :smiley:

TLDR: Could I do it? Of course! Will I do it? No. Why? Don’t need the money/Def don’t wanna waste time proving something to an internet weeb/Its just more funny farming his salt as he furiously tries to do anything that will affect me :D/And lastly, he uh wanted to pay me 10 bil to go into his hole.

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“he uh wanted to pay me 10 bil to go into his hole.”

Challenge specifically says ‘ANYWHERE SO LONG AS IT IS ON TRANQUILITY’.

Stop. Lying. You. Lie. Like. A. Rug.

You only changed it cause you realized how creepy it sounded.

Lets be real bruv, you offered a stranger 10 bil to go into your hole. It ain’t my fault you’re salty he turned you down.

I’m sure you’ll find plenty of people willing to go into your hole for 10 bil :smiley:

I just got standards yennoe?

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Mr. Owl,

How many sock puppets does one need to convince people on a forum they are right?

Let’s find out.

One…. Two……

Is there going to be a three?

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