Will the latest omega price hikes cause an in game economic recesionn

Not just on titles but their entire company, I and many more will never buy a blizzard game ever again just because of their Ideology.

And I hope CCP recognizes this.


Lowest user score ever.
Is pulling in over $1,00,000.00 a day.

Which is more important to Blizzard, do you think?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Longevity, I’m kidding Greed stupidity and self implosion. They might be milking it for the next year.
But all the money in the world wont take their name out of the dumpster. They will be in history books as what not to do.


They don’t care.

Depends on the book. If it’s a book used in business school, it will be teaching that is exactly what to do. If it’s a gamer blog written by a wishful thinker with no understanding of the game industry, then maybe it will be as you suggest.

Here’s what will happen. In a week or so the gaming press will have moved on to the next big thing and Blizzard will keep making a fuckton of money without a care in the world. Monetization has already become normalized to the point where people are surprised when a game doesn’t have any.

Games developed by gamers are a thing of the past. They aren’t even games any more. They’re operant conditioning chambers.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Then that just means there is an opening.

Don’t worry, it will be plugged up quickly. And they won’t even give you a squirt of Astroglide before they do it.

Thank you for sharing the thread. God damn hilarious.

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Businesses don’t care about people’s feelings. Diablo Immoral is raking in money, and will as long as gaming and gambling are addictive. Even during the height of the hate for Diablo, Blizzard was able to sell pre-orders of Dragonflight for WoW. This article doesn’t show ruin or failure for this type of practice. The only way you can stop this sort of practice is through government legislation, which many will believe would lead to a slippery slope of overregulation of games in general.

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Education is the best way, people are just too dumb to realize. Jita has trained us well.

Completely different gaming cultures. It’s that simple.

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When Blizzard asked “What? Don’t you people have phones?”, CCP said “Yes, we do!” and put EvE on them.

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The monthly sub cost to play eve online is certainly up there. There are many competing monthly sub services (Xbox, et al) that offer far more for quite a bit less. The prcie HAS to be a big disincentive for new players.

I know, I know there is the very hobbled free-to-play alpha version but play as an alpha and you know you’re hobbled.

I used to play eve a lot, but it’s now SO expensive I’m disincentivised to continue. I’ve nothing but a shed load of stuff to mark my loyalty to it.

Just my opinion.

Anyone got a spreadsheet of price comparisons for monthly subscription games?


I mean there is advantages to that, more people get to discover what Eve is and it serves as a grim reminder of how bad the economy gets when PvP is not around.

True, but that’s mostly due to appearances. The real problems with the game only become evident to the newbie much later.

A new player is hobbled either way, so it makes little difference for them. Omega does nothing, until you get to the point where you are already at the limits of alpha. For a combat focused newbie character those limits are several months away.
Alpha injectors are initially a better deal than Omega for a newbie in a hurry to skill up.

Alpha is underrated. Omega is good for multi-boxing, cloaking and some grindy industry activities. A single Omega account can’t really afford to PvP in those bigger T2 ships that Omega unlocks, without making the game a hellish grind.
Alpha just looks bad to a veteran who comes down from dual-boxing highly skilled characters, but the game started way worse.

HA! exactly…

There are a lot of Eve Online players in other countries, and a $20 omega might be a lunch for you, but it might be a full day’s wage for them


lets be real to play eve online you need 2 omega accounts, I dont know many people willing to spend $40 month on eve online anymore.


How come?

Because 3 Omega accounts is overkill.


Oooh really? Thank you, I didn’t realise I was playing it wrong.