Will the latest omega price hikes cause an in game economic recesionn

I thought you need a few dozen Omega accounts to skill farm so you can play for free. :upside_down_face:

I would say you need at least 2.

Becase the other players may not be there for you when you need then, they could be offline, they could be farming the ISK, they could be just doing EVE chores.

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Technically 1 same account alt is enough to play for free if your main has all the sp he needs already.

Technically you miss out on a lot of stuff that you just can’t do with one account alone, like webbing yourself into warp, scouting ahead, doing multimarket work, efficient production, jumping capitals and so on. The list does not end here.


You can do that with 2 accounts aswell thou :stuck_out_tongue: its scalable.

But for sure man I play on a solo account since 2007 and Its a big disadvantage compared to multi boxers. Although I can usually solo all the multi boxer ships anyway since each char has low apm lol.

r/whoosh :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Can I trust that link, O you mean on your comment xD

In the UK a Xbox PC game pass is £8 a month
A PS5 sub that allows you to play 100s of games is £13.49 or £99 a year.

The new Omega price £15.99 a month or £119.99 a year is more likely to cause an out of game economic recession at CCP.

Get an Omega sale on the go, or it’s no deal for me.

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Reduced number of players goes together with increased PLEX price, both in real an in game. its like only few players can dictate how much there is PLEX on market, and then its bought only by those who have the most isk, which is a lot more than what your usual player have. There is questionable ISK involved, from botting, and actual ISK made by small number of players who farm constantly some high income content. There were always incursions, null sec and wormholes, now there are also abyssals and pochven. All endgame stuff made by limited amount of players, but they can buy a lot for high price, the PLEX thats left.

In chinese server few years ago botting was rampant and there PLEX was like 3B, but then it all had to be closed and restarted.

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It’ll lead to less accounts generating wealth or buying things. I’ve already unsubbed 7 of my 9 accounts. Most of my friends are also pruning down. This will mean less people building things and less people buying those things. Staglfation? IDK. Depopulation is a severe economic problem. There’s basically no such thing as “ovepropulation”, but underpopulation or population shrinkage is a death knell.


What data and empirical observations? Please do educate us

Waiting with baited breath while dodging high sec gankers.

You are wanting proof that people that dont play much arent likely to PLEX?

Just calling out the Gate Keeping BS when and where I see it.

If you could explain what you think gatekeeping is that would be a start.

Not sure about you guys but I basically only log in for log in rewards in the last month and a bit.

Log in numbers don’t really show much.
If CCP where to release to the public avg player session lengths it would be rather interesting :].

And from someone as dedicated as me:


what do Korean mmo’s have to do with eve seeing as it isn’t a Korean game

CCP Games is owned by Pearl Abyss which is a Korean Gaming Company known for Korean MMOs like Black Desert Online.


It was a continuation to the discussion above back in July and Pearl Abyss titles thanks for covering that Io Koval 5hrs ago. I was afk feeding my cat and replying to twitter not that anyone cares.

Tolkenmoon It was also a question pulled off reddit and it was months ago where it had 3 other replies. /edit (well 2 replies+ your question)

Six feral cats, twelve chickens and an old black lab. The cats are for rats, snakes just because I am a nice guy, the chickens are for eggs ($5.00 for sixteen chlorine soaked eggs no thanks). I have no ideal where the game is going but between running my Plumbing Company and just enjoying this mad world I thought I would jump in and see who knows what. More questions than answers at this time. Have a bad case of the IDGAFs

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Over yonder we have those huge big chickens that will scare any feral cat away, real nasty beasts with long black beaks and will tear through a otto like a good old southerly.

Those bin chickens will eat toxic waste that would make a billy goat puke and drink the chlorine right out of your pool.