Will we ever see a new wiped server?

Isn’t that what that eve echoes is, really? A sort of eve-ish “server” for mobile phones?

A new server won’t change anything. The largest alliances will flood there to ensure they have an unassailable foothold on the new server just in case that server becomes more popular than TQ.

Also, with skill injectors, they’ll have Titan pilots from day one, and there would be no reason for CCP to not cash-in on the new server by making injectors unavailable.

No they wouldnt. A standalone server in which you CANNOT transfer isk or SP, a blank slate, you have to retrain everything and the exploits that ruined the server / gave alliances a VERY unfair advantage above everyone else would not be present. Everyone would have the same resources, and above all else, no undue production of mountains of T2 components.

The way I see it did you not land on the winner side the first time around. Instead, you blame others of cheats and exploits. What makes you there think you’d finally land on the winning side after a wipe? You’re just going to end where you are now until you wipe your attitude.

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It’s like the OP is making up ■■■■■■■■ reasons as to why it would be “better for the game” while he actually means “I want this for myself”.


You seem to be forgetting about the ability to buy PLEX. Larger alliances with more players have more real world money to play with. While the new server would be interesting for the first few months, it would fall into the TQ mould soon enough.

It is not a blame, it’s Eve’s history. Everyone knows it happened. I have been on both sides, winner and loser, its not the point here. The point is starting clean without the exploits running for years, exploits that have greatly unbalanced the game.

I think null needs reset of some kind, but I always wanted to shift the balance so the capitals would became harder to fly and easier to lose. And mining changes and ratting changes, both activities would need more time and work from player to achieve the same result as today, and removing citadel safety mechanism allowing people to get their stuff after citadel with their stuff inside is destroyed. Whole null overhaul.

A wipe won’t change this, unless your grief is with others being here before you and being more productive and successful. Then a wipe would set you even, until you fall behind again and nothing really has changed and you’re back asking for another wipe.

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You have not read well. An exploit is not ‘‘falling behind’’, its an unfair advantage and against the rules. A small number of corporations have used a faulty system to tip the scale on their side for years and now have abilities they should not have had.

What is hard to understand about that? What is wrong with wanting a fresh start, now that the major exploits and glitches are solved?! I would call making T2 components on demand infinitely a pretty big ■■■■■■■ advantage and completely game breaking.

It’s not hard to understand at all. It’s however just an opinion you have. Only until you’ve changed your attitude will you end up asking for another wipe, because you simply didn’t do what others had the balls for. If we wiped the game for every exploit ever made then we’d be wiping the server ten times a day, because of someone using a bot or a macro. You’ll have to learn to let go and accept that nothing is perfect.

If you’re really obsessed with wiping the game then perhaps look to more static games where you can PvP on a fresh, new map each turn.

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A bot is nothing compared to the POS glitch. Are you even aware of what was happening? It’s not about having the balls to do something, it’s about finding a flaw and exploiting it.

But hey, I guess we have different views on this. If you like the broken game you have, fine.

Just, let us have a standalone game where this massive flaw would never have happened and the game would be fairer overall.

I would absolutely support a clean server, maybe a new Null/Low/Hi layout even.
Subscription only, no PLEXing accounts. I’d gladly take 2-3 of my 60+ mill sp accounts down to 500k and grind up from there. I would LOVE that.
Tranquility is tainted and full of cancer and will never be redeemed. Let those who took it all by nefarious means with the help of CCP over a decade have it and let the rest of us play the game we used to love.

That all was “returning the favour” to some in null aliancess. Everybody know that. Now is transition period still with CCP in charge, and all big bussines players (including their dogs) whitdrawing their assets to other bussines and games.
Why ? Because PA is sharp and will set a playground that PA will benefit and profit from Eve Online, not some shady players. After transition, while everyone is claiming that nothing will change only in order to quietly whitdraw their assets, will stay only PA and honest players.

You do not beleve me, look economy at BDO, all shady deals and grey profits are effectively prevented, players can only enjoy and play the game, profit is reserved for PA not transfered to “informal groups of players”.

No more “beers” for someone…

As people have already mentioned, a new server is not going to happen, since it is going to split the playerbase.

This whole “One world. One war” thing is part of eve’s identity. Doesn’t really work with two servers.


Chinese EVE server will be up soon.

I think many players would return, or prefer to start anew. Those of us who will not come back on the existing terms will not return anyway. This would be a fantastic way to renew interest. Scramble the resources found in 0.0 to make it interesting again and hundreds of us will come back.

Furthermore, Imagine how different the game would be if we released a new server today. 15 years of continued development would surely lead to a much different eve landscape.

And then they will leave again, because of x reason that made them leave in the first place.

Whatever meta knowledge about the game learned on TQ, will be exported over to the new server. The big groups on TQ will just establish themselves again on this new server. Nothing will change, other than a period of grinding towards those established power structures.

If you didn’t have the ability / commitment to create an empire on TQ, you will not magically get that ability on a new server.

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The way the game is right now are the existing terms. Your logic starts to come across a bit like that of a person with OCD - completely functional and normal, but with the need to wash their hands 50 times a day.