So, I’ve installed windows 11 yesterday, but since then Eve online stopped working for me.
Apparently there is an issue in the either the game compatibilty or in the OS itself and looking at the log files the EVE in Windows 11 cannot run in DirectX_11, either way, I advise someone using Windows 10 to not update right now or if you’re using Windows 11, start the game with Directx9 enabled.
This is the issue that you may find in the log files.
“bluepy.Terminate - Reason: Failed to create device under DX11”
The work around is to enable DirectX9 for a while, the game will launch as normal.
I’ve found the reason why Eve didn’t launch in Windows 11.
If you have Auto HDR enabled, you need to turn it off, after that the game runs at DX11 normaly.
Either the game isn’t coded yet for Auto HDR or Windows 11’s Auto-HDR is buggy, it’s probably the later.
Cool feature but it’s buggy right now.
Tbh I just installed it for the HDR feature lmao
It’s very disappointing that Win11 launched that feature in such state, plus the it has alot of bugs.
For this reason I’ll never be an early adopter ever lol
I applaud OP as he and his fellow beta testers are the ones biting the bullet so I can have a convenient experience once the bugs are sorted out and the end product is more feature complete.
I have a friend that got a laptop to play Eve. Laptop was brand new gaming system with windows 11. Eve wont start. I haven’t found a fix so far. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, updated everything, tried to run as admin, tried to run in compatibility mode. I’ve tried verifying files, running in dx9, looking for a away to turn off auto hdr (computer doesnt have hdr). I get the same message as the op every time.