With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

Im not the one necroing posts to take cheap shots and failing to understand the context though.


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Read you own post “carefully” and tell me about context.

I see you went with that and not defending the pointlessness of necroing a post or your reasoning behind a flat, empty insult.

Ok vOv

I still think you are the less intelligent of us both, friend, unless you’d like to provide evidence to counter that?

So I am talking about pressing a button and turning safety red.

You are talking about capital ships.

How are they even remotely the same thing?

Both of which require a monetary transaction to have been done in order to use.

I.e. a “paywall”

Im not sure why you find that hard to grasp but its clearly bugged you for the best part of a month

If I am a new player and I get a subscription I can immediately turn my safety red and shoot people in highsec. This was changed recently and was not always the case.

However, it doesn’t not immediately grant me the ability to fly a capital ship. Since it requires skillbook’s and additional skill training. This has not changed and has always been the case.

They are not the same thing.

If they placed D-Scan behind a paywall would that also be acceptable in your view?

We arent debating acceptability (whatever that means in this instance).

We are debating whether you have to pay for other mechanics, and in order to fly a jumpship, you need to pay money, whether thats to learn the skills or get in the ship or use the jumpdrive.

And there are many mechanics you need to pay for.

Whether a person was a new player or not was not even part of the original question.

Sorry that I have to remind you of context AGAIN.

If you want to have red saftey, you need to buy Omega.

To jump a jumpship, you need to buy Omega

To train a HAC pilot, you need to buy Omega.

To launch bombs, you need to buy Omega.


Adding the point that a new player with no skills can do one or more and not the others is irrelevent to whether a paywall exists for other mechanics or not.

Which was the original question you asked and was answered.

Day old new players have a lot of things they can access but not use without Omega, as well. T2 modules in most cases for a start.

Thank you for again proving my point.

You are referring to flying ships and using the ability’s of said ships.

I am referring to a button that is on the overview.

Really? because here you say “mechanics” not one specific mechanic.

And your original question specifically EXCLUDED the Safety Button

So… what is your point in this current exchange?


I was responding to a post made by somebody else:

To which I replied:

Spoiler Alert: The title of this thread is literally about HS ganking (Turning your safety Red)

None of this is relevent to the question you first asked and I answered.

Youve actually done nothing but move the goalposts in regards to that question just so you can argue.

Then, when you needed to cheer yourself up this morning, decided to reopen an old thread to throw a random insult.

Im not sure how that is about HS Ganking either, so really, you are just derailing and being a general troll.

Ive answered your quesion, Im afraid you have to live with the fact you dont like the answers.


It is literally the basis of the question I asked you.

We are here talking about HS ganking mechanics, in a thread about HS ganking. You moved the goalposts that far they are now in a different timezone.

Read the title of the thread, It’s at the top of the screen if you cant find it.

Anyone can answer a question. However, it does not mean that it is correct (Critical Thinking 101).

It was never a new restriction for alpha players vs omegas. In the official announcement they explained that they removed the red safeties only in highsec to avoid unspecified things:

By introducing these changes, the consequences for ganking have become more severe. To avoid players attempting to work around these new rules using Alpha clones, we are preemptively removing the ability for Alpha clones to disable safety while in high security space.

This is what Ms. McCandless does not get, it has nothing to do with alpha/omega benefits. CCP wanted to prevent something (I dont know exactly why) by doing it.

A real alpha restriction would be to disable red safeties in the game, not just Highsec. I can still make an alpha, go to Ahbazon, dunk all the pods I want, biomass once i get a low SS, and repeat. There is no real change between alpha and omega when you take into account that the ganking community is by nature a tiny one.

I have been however in Mr.BeerMonster’s fleets. He showed players how highsec ganking is done. There were capsuleers with an alpha catalyst taking part on his operations.
A single alpha ganker can literally do ■■■■ in the game, not enough skills, the miners have artificial buffss provided by CCP, etc, etc.

However… it is really negative when you want to train the next generation of gankers. @Your_Awesum_Brutha learned how to gank when being an alpha, otherwise he would have never become a ganker, and like him, some other gankers learned the basics when in alpha.

As I said, you can dunk all the pods you want in alpha, but this restriction was applied to Highsec because of mystery reasons. It has nothing to do with alpha/omega benefits, and this point does not require discussions. It was just an angry carebear attack from GM IceCream, but thankfully CODE. always wins and he is now out of the company :sunglasses:


Im not the one who brought that part up, as I get it perfectly well. Its beer-goggles over there that cant make a coherent point.

Well, the alpha gankers were really nice for fleeting up with the very experienced gankers. And, for veteran gankers and all their omegas, having alphas used to add a good amount DPS, because the alpha ganker is using only one account and will shoot early on and fully benefit from the CONCORD response time… while the multiboxers have all their alts to handle and a lot of DPS is simply not applied

Once upon a time, in a 44 pilots ganker fleet, in a very notorious 0.5 gank system, my little alpha was the 5th biggest dps and I was just starting to learn the stuff. I just checked the kill report is pretty much a hall of fame of gankers. This means I am better than them? Absolytely not, it’s just that they were handling all their alts and clients and I was free to apply damage with 1 alpha account only.

So, alpha gankers were great addition to gank fleets and for the alpha player there is learning in this

He doesn’t even gank though, so kind of a failure.

And quite rightly so too. Otherwise you are being subsidized by all the people who are paying. There’s no free lunch in Eve. Someone is paying for everything you see in the game.

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but you dont have to buy omega to have red safety in general. It only applies to Highsec for reasons waaay distant from subsidizing players.

Here is the reason


So, it had been proven that without a doubt that ganking is required in highsec even if this ganking involves removing NPC mining rats from our asteroid belts as those mining fields become accepted ganking grounds!