We have them to take us from hisec to null and to trig space so why cant we have filaments to take us to wh’s ? I mean have say different filament types that will take you into different class wh.
Make it a 1 way trip so you can filament into a random wh but still have to scan your way back out.
Still have it like you can take a 5man to 15man fleet.
Well, what say you wormholers? Thinking this is going to be a hard pass for them, but you never know… The whole filament is a blessing-curse/love-hate thing right now, with proponents on both sides of the argument.
Yeah… no. Most of us in wh are here to shield us from the absolutely miserable ideas ccp cooked up.
Filaments killed null and are the main reason for its current barren state.
Response fleets are now miserable as you don’t get a fight, the targets just leave.
You can’t camp entrance systems like you used to because no one uses them.
And loads of other issues.
The entire mechanic far too heavily favors the side using them.
You already can get into random WHs by just rolling some static, so the mechanic requested already exists. Within 15 minutes you can have JSpace access (total random entry with a total random chain behind) right from Jita (or from basically anywhere). And you have a way back if you don’t forget to bookmark it.
Tbh, the only reason for this suggestion seems to be that PvP gangs of up to 25 ppl should jump undetected into WHs where the usual inhabitants are mostly active in much much smaller numbers (below 10 ppl) and because there is no local wouldn’t even know if a 25 man gang just jumped right on top of them, so they would be bubbled, tackled and obliterated without even a chance of reacting or preparing for a fight (unlike in Null, where you will be reported almost instantly and then the locals can decide if they want to send a response or not).
Could you explain how they killed null please. Seriously want to know.
You mean all those mtu’s are just left in space when the botters (ratters) dock up as soon as someone appears in local ? Nooo that doesnt happen
With ~2,600 wormhole systems, you would have to get extraordinarily lucky to land in a system where someone was actively krabbing after rolling off all connections.
I know from C5/5 ragerolls, we can sometimes roll 50+ systems and not find an active krabber.
In any case, landing in a random system, you’ll need to find a way back to K-Space and then either travel or PochX back to somewhere convenient. If you probe your way in, you have a way out.
What are you even taking about. You quoted my point as to how people using filaments just leave once locals respond and are just going on about raters.
Filaments removed almost all activity from entry systems into null and the pipes they filtered to.
You can’t go out roaming anymore and run into another roam because no one is roaming. People filament hope they land somewhere that has activity then bounce once the locals wake up or they see nothing is happening.
This has caused all the raters and miners to cluster up into just a few concentrated systems as a way to maximize response times.
You used to be able to “watch” entire constellations with just a couple eyes on a few points. This let targets spread out into more systems making it easier to get fights in the size range you were looking for. This made wormholes exceptional if your group was willing to put in that little extra oompf.
Now your only option for semi reliable content is to filament. Meaning smaller fleets meaning you can’t fight a response fleet meaning you bounce once they are formed and the cycle begins again.
You are saying filaments killed nullsec. I am saying that ppl who filament to nullsec land in a system and all the ratters and botters dock up and hide not come and fight.
Also your saying used to be able to watch entire areas with just a few eyes. This is mainly to protect your vast bot fleets and 50 man alt ratting fleets. Not for fights just so you had time to dock up and hide. I have filamented into null on many occassions with 5 and 15 man fleets. Only once has a response fleet came and that was frat space.
So does this mean we should take away the hisec ice filaments so nullbears cant just take the safe way to hisec to sell their wares ???
Anyways i dont really give a crap about null as was just putting forward an idea to get more content for smaller groups instead of the blops crappers we have today.
Well all HS Filaments should really be removed. The ‘Pochven Hghway’ makes it ridiculously safe and easy to bring DSTs full of compressed ore or other high value items from anywhere to Jita. Totally skipping all geography.
Tbh filaments was a nice idea to generate more content, but players adapted too well and in the end they hurt more than they benefit. To get into remote areas WHs offer enough opportunity, with some risk and effort attached as well.