Wormhole Police MOST WANTED Criminals

Due to the eviction of the litterbug @Ashterothi last week’s top 10 was not updated. Shockingly, this particular individual still hasn’t paid his fine. and remains low on our wanted list.

Dirtbags from the week ending 2022-03-04 - See top post for current wanted list.

1 @Freany - Moved to Pochven, out of our jurisdiction.
2 Purkess - No new offenses! Redeemed!
3 Khortar - No new offenses! Redeemed!
4 slavaker - Continues to offend! Currently #11
5 Inibi Naari - On path to remption with no new offenses.
6 Dominic Sc0tt - Moved to NullSec, out of our jurisdiction.
7 @Steel_Nolen - On path to remption with no new offenses.
8 Yuno Silhoueska - Continues to offend, On the lamb.
9 Dosko Jonnes - Continues to offend, On the lamb.
10 MarininKot - Continues to offend. Currently #24

Is it only repeat or escaped offenders who make the Wanted list? I received a most eloquent missive indicating that your spurious charges had been nullified by the loss of my ship (and embarrassingly, pod) upon waking in station.

I’ll try not to be as distracted by the delicious relics and priceless artefacts next time I happen to be sharing a system with law enforcement :wink:

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Well sir, it’s a complicated group of factors that get you on this list.

The heaviest weight being the number of KCs (Karen complaints) on your dossier. Since we are headquartered in Metropolis, doing crimes in that region is more likely to get you on the wanted list and escorted to the county line with a stern…

“We don’t care for your kind round these parts”

@Vinnegar_Douche Are you able to shed some details about this encounter Miasmos | 083IDD90 | Killmail | zKillboard

Were they suspect? Limited engagement? or some Killright?

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I’m happy to!

This dirtbag criminal was stealing rocks from lawful miners. We don’t tolerate that kind of behavior in our peaceful little town. Since I am also the Mayor of Elgoi I authorized an arrest of the suspect. I was able to bring this dirtbag criminal to justice.

The HOA gave me a medal for this one and a gift basket full of Tritanium.

Still trying to understand your reasoning here as 99% of your zkill shows W-Space and your topic here is referring to Wormholes. That is what spark my question about that zkill, not that I know whom it belonged to it is just for my own understanding on what are you going on about here.

Now you mention above stealing rocks, so was that suspect then? Didn’t look like you and that other pilot went crim on that encounter.

Also you mention also lawful miners. How did you derive of this thought? Did you know beforehand or inspect their bio’s?

This Corp of yours, does this have connections with [WiNGSPAN Delivery Services]?

We’re tasked with fighting crime in wormholes. Fact checked true.

After a hard day of fighting crime in wormhole space we return to our happy little families living in our happy littlle boxes in High Sec. Nothing pisses of a tired cop more than a dirtbag with suspect status annoying the peaceful minets.

Absolutely not! Those Porch Pirates have no respect for THE LAW

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Based on the above I shall set your Corp as Orange.

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What color is WiNGSPAN? if they’re red I’m gonna be super butthurt!

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I can live with this :slight_smile:

Haha love that .

I may call other criminals Porch Pirates , it’s a fitting lvl for many in eve

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Dirtbags from the week ending 2022-03-18 - See top post for current wanted list.

1 This position is largely ceremonial
2 Arnimer Taron - Continues to offend. On the run.
3 IBEY - On path to redemption with no new offenses!
4 Max Burgas - Continues to offend. Now #1
5 @Darkdarcek - On path to redemption with no new offenses!
6 Khendraya MO - Moved to NullSec, out of our jurisdiction.
7 Pinkfluff - Continues to offend, Now #2
8 Sparkles Tokuzawa - Continues to offend, Now #3
9 Inna 1981 - On path to redemption with no new offenses!
10 Papiroskin - On path to redemption with no new offenses!

I’m glad to see that Darkdarcek is getting the help he needs.

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Nice! So LAW is rewarded good isks?

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We don’t do what we do for the money… We do what we do for JUSTICE!

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Dirtbags from the week ending 2022-03-25 - See top post for current wanted list.

1 Max Burgas - On path to redemption with no new offenses!
2 Pinkfluff - Contues to offend! On the run!
3 Sparkles Tokuzawa - On path to redemption with no new offenses!
4 slavaker - Continues to offend, Currently #3
5 Kazirock - On path to redemption with no new offenses!
6 Apocrif - Continues to offend, Currently #5
7 Gris Ndanger - Community Service in Ouelletta noted, REDEEEMED!
8 ALEX STI - On path to redemption with no new offenses!
9 Ezechieler - Contues to offend! On the run!
10 strilk1 - Continues to offend, Currently #9

I see something in common with these nefarious fiends.

They have poor fashion sense.

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Vinnegar Douche are you the voice in the WH Police youtube vids by chance ?

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I think I like the concept of being reduced to just a voice. I am the Avatar, I am the Voice.