Looking for a C1 Wormhole With a static HS entrance, with or with out a POS, just starting out in the WH venture and want to start small. Need a good amount of moons and will be joining your channel when i log on next. Feel free to Mail in game with any questions. RollyJoger
Wts C1 with HS Static.
The Sale includes:
1 Fortizar (Fitted) 12,4 bil
1 Athanor (Fitted) 1 bil
1 Thanatos unfit 1,2bil
1 Chimera unfit 1,2bil
1 Orca unfit 800mil
Total Price: 17bil
Jcode is J160710
outside my budget but thank you for the reply ill have to keep looking. it would be fine if not for the Fortizar price i know its fair but i dont have it thank you if you would keep looking i’m thinking a ceiling of 6 billion
C2 system with C5/Null Statics
PI Moons: http://anoik.is/systems/J122524
Structures: None
POCOs: 8x 3rd party POCOs can remove if necessary
Sticks: None
System Size: 66AU
Looking for around 4 bil but willing to talk
Still available???
which one?
Not yours. Bromeos’ C5 magnetar with rolling megas.
yes sir. convo in game
J ID on the C3 pulsar? still available?
c3 LS SOLD !
WTB C2 w/ C3+HS statics.
WTB C3 with NS static
WTB c4 c3/c4 or c4 c3/with c3 or lower other static. Prefer wolf rayet but will take vanilla. Interested only in systems that have either an astrahus or azbel setup and p4 capability. Thanks ahead of time for your help.
Mail me in game if you fit the bill.
I have a c2 with c3 and hs static for sale
WTB C2 w/ C3+HS statics
Is this still for sale?