
You still looking for a C2/C3/HS ?

Hi, looking for a C3/Null or a C2 Null/C5 or C6
Low power or unoccupied

Price on this?

C2 Pulsar with Highsec/C3 Static

Send me a mail with the price, and name of system.
Any more info about it, dead sticks etc etc?

Want to sell c5 pulsar with c4 static farming WH with astrahus fited for killing drifters + roling megathrons and suport ships for making money there like salvager + some stuff and fuell on place.

Dont have time to fly there too often so offer stands for 2,5 Bil for whole stuff there.

contact me in game TolkienPL Lemmont

You have one?

C2 no effect; HS/C4 statics, Planets: 3 gas, 3 barren, 1 storm; 55 moons.
300M ISK
mail me ingame.

WTB c6-c5 or c5-c5 with small planets and decent p2-p3 PI.

Effects: vanilla, pulsar, magnetar or red giant.

Size: Between 10 to 40au. I will consider bigger WHs

will try to find more wormholes for sale. back in business

C2 WH for sale (J132418)
C3 and HS static
Planets: Ice, Gas x2, Barren, Storm x2

Message Whatdafuzz in game if interested

How much for the magnetar c5?

mag c5 sold. WTB c4/c3/c5 with decent PI

o7, looking for clean c5; clear of any citadels and pod’s. Vanilla or any effect is fine. If it could come with an astrahaus that would be great. Please mail me in game if you have anything.

Thanks, Rejean

Clear or citadels and pos’s*

Hello selling a c5 static c5 no effect, fortizar inside + pocos !

Still looking for c6/c5 with decent PI ( small size planets )

@Latista Mind Dming me the details? Fortizar Fit, J-sig and any if all caps currently inside along with price?


Looking for a c3/HS or a c2/HS/X.

Contact via in-game mail with structure/citadel/POCO info and price