Wormholers have NO representation

Ahh the guy who claims wormhole space is an isk printer doesn’t even know the name of wormhole space

Makes sense XD

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Fifty (ish) posts to start arguing semantics and personalities instead of issues.

Better than some threads. Not as good as others.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Yeah I’m dumb, but not dumb enough to get baited into your Povchen QQ.

When people talk JSpace to me I think of serious people that fly bling, totally my bad here, you are actually poor, not my fault thou.

Good luck with your QQ and povcrap.

I guess semantics is your only resource, so I’m not a cruel man, you won! Gratz.



There are people that dive in and out of wormhole space for lots of different reasons, but there’s also a permanent population that is quite distinct. They are also wildly various ranging from Signal Cartel to We From VOLTA and many many others all doing different things for different reasons.
I get a kick out of it when people say it’s risk free, or it’s a printing press for isk, it’s not, it’s extremely dangerous and living there requires far more diligence than any other part of Eve I’ve been in.
You have to hide constantly unless you are doing something that requires you not to, you have to constantly use Dscan and you have to assume at all times that someone you cannot see is looking directly at you and is bigger than you are and a lot more dangerous.
CCP turned off local chat in nullsec making it a lot more like wormhole space, the residents (with very few exceptions) had a total meltdown, they wouldn’t last long living in wormhole space.

On another note…
One of the best stories I’ve ever heard about Goonswarm… Actually maybe the only good one, was about some wormhole corporation who literally enslaved a whole bunch of very new players and made them do all the mining. Apparently one of them managed to escape and told people what had been happening to him and all these other new players. The goons got wind of this and went on a rather intensive hunting trip, liberated all the enslaved new people and lay waste to the corporation and everything it had.
I got this well over second hand so the details might not line up with how things went, and maybe it’s even a myth, but it’s quite possible. The only place it could really be done is in a place where you need the ability to scan down an exit.

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So you still won’t elaborate on your claim that WH is isk printing when it’s not. mmkay…

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im familiar with Sig Cartel, I flew with them for a short while, RL got in the way really couldn’t enjoy being apart of them. But it just seems like, to me anyway, most people who claim to live in WH are actually Nullsec or i’ll find nullseccers who claim they live in WH… which is why i wasn’t straight up equalizing both as the same when i know its not.

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Ahh, gotcha, I know people who do both. I have a few friends in Signal Cartel who only come out to get things like more probes, and some PvP people who don’t come out at all unless there’s some reason forcing them to do so (one for example had the chain he was in collapse and had to pop out and find a way back). Basically they are always in some wormhole system or another, to me that makes them residents in the same way goons are residents of nullsec.
There’s also a whole population living in Thera, and that’s another culture all of its own (VOLTA used to live there for a while). I spend months at a time in wormhole space, but I really don’t consider my self a resident of anywhere.

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You counted!

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I’m pretty meticulous like that :wink:

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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The failure of democracy would not be such a problem if we just let better smarter people run everything.
Of course the crowd has the admit that there are people better and smarter.
I won’t hold my breath.

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I know, it helps keep me honest, and trying to stay objective or at least as accurate as I can.

Why don’t you bring dreads instead of subs from the beginning ?
So you won’t be bothered by avengers lol

Dreads are hyper-vulnerable to something called rage-rolling because they have a 5minute siege timer.

They can also only rat in the home hole.

btw u are over estimate csm power on the changes .this csm got a wh candidate btw .i beast is kinda a wh guy (lazerhawks) ,suitonia knows about wh game play and there is some other csm members that will read a mail if u send them , but csm does not make the strategic planing or are share holders of ccp .The game is going to a certain direction so even if u had 100% wh people in the csm the nerf bat is coming .

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