Wormholers have NO representation

So, I dgaf if you have CSM representation. Shrug.

Cool story. I don’t care a bit about the glorified focus group that is the csm either.

You must be kidding, these guys can bling af, ISK printer full speed.

Not sure if you baited me… I feel … used.

How is Jspace isk printer at full speed?

And their chicks for free.


I sense you are older than I thought you were.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Now that ain’t workin’ that’s the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain’t dumb

First bait shame on me…

hahaha nice one.

That’s not how it works, no bait on technicalities, state your counter arguments.

You made a claim, that jspace is isk printer at full speed?

Are you going to expand on that claim?

It’s not so much that they are self important or unimportant, it’s just that they are severely limited in what they can do. I’m inclined to think that CCP has a very different idea of what they are for than how they are presented. They really aren’t allowed to tell us shat they can and can’t do as far as I can tell, and they certainly aren’t allowed to talk about what they are doing. That alone hampers the hell out of them.
I tend to think of them as people with a thankless job who get to go to Iceland once in a while.
I also think they could be bypassed by players who should bring their issues to CCP directly by doing things like flooding support. I have no real idea of how to contact Perl Abyss but it seems to me that if they started getting swamped with disgruntled Eve players sending them tons of email that might get someone’s attention as well. It might even get something dropped on someone’s head like CCP_Nitwit (or what ever his name is) who said “if they don’t like it they can quit”.
Getting that to happen however is, as someone once said about trying to deal with large numbers of computer geeks “like herding cats”.
Ideally though the CSM should be more representative of the wide range of players in Eve, have a bit more power to stop things that shouldn’t or don’t need to happen, and to help get changes that do need to happen going in some direction other than CCP’s apparent method of throwing crap at the wall and see what sticks.

Why would I? It’s still uncontested.


So you have no proof that Jspace is an isk printer at full speed. mmk

I do!
Wait… No I don’t, I’m going broke, nevermind.

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Glad we solved this.


“Jspace is an isk printer running at full speed” -Adm_Malkaviano

“How so?” -everyone else

‘I don’t need to explain what I say’ - Adm_Malkaviano

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Dire Straits - Money For Nothing - YouTube

Let’s start with the fact you introduced AT YOUR CONVENIENCE Jspace. I was responding to WH. So you sneaked it like the little punk you are povchen into it waiting for the bait.

Nice try noobs, give my best to sleepers.


ok, so let me rephrase then, how is WH space, isk printing at full speed?

jspace and wormhole space are the same thing smart guy

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probably thought Jspace meant jove

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