Arent Nullseccers=/=Wormholers. I mean when i read recruitment posts or most other posts in general i see, WH corp with a static to (null, high), but we operate in WH when necessary. etc. So
Maybe CCP still has it in their head, that even though they never intended on ppl living in wormholes, they figure everyone in WH will work together, when really its just null sec bitches living in WH because they don’t like null.
as far as rep goes, @Brisc_Rubal has said before, he will speak up for you guys to CCP.
I think you make a very fair point, insofar as the CSM has been dominated, for way too long IMHO, but powerful blocs and null sec power groups.
Having said this, miners I think do even worse than wormholers, and it’s very rare for issues that are of concern to us to make the agenda.
Personally my view is that we need a CSM where the representatives are elected by groups of players split along the lines of what you actually do in the game.
Using algorithms I can’t believe that this would be that hard to achieve and it would mean that all play styles in the game got a degree of representation, not just the ones with massive power bases.
Honestly, I think it’s about time that all the underepresented groups take a page out of the nullbloc play book, and start vote trading with one another. It will be a lot more work considering the more fractured nature of HS, LS, WH, and Pochven, but large segments of these communities have come together before (i.e. the FW and Pochven protests). So, it is possible, assuming that there is a will to do so.
HS, LS, WH, Pochven, and the RP’ers need to each decide who their two preferred/most viable candidates are, and then fill up the rest of their ballots with the two most preferred candidates of other regions.
That is called discipline and it wins wars. I’ve never been a member of a null group and don’t intend to be; but I do admire their cohesion.
Unity is their strength.
Wormholers remind me of mountain tribe raiders; resilient, resourceful and viciously fractious. If could ask De-M one question it would be what ancient civilisation each segment of the eve universe most closely correlates so that I could compare his thoughts to my own studies.
We both know that it will never work.
Nullsec assumes the role of represtative of eve by its nature. We don’t have to like it be we need to work with it.
The value of CSM elections it not entirely in who gets elected, it is in the campaign topics during the selection process. There is nothing stopping CCP or the CSM from approaching topic champions for careful questioning.
So Brisc while is saddled with the job of representing WHS once again at least he has a number of failed candidacies to consult and balance.
I wouldn’t want that job, I’m thankful Brisc, Mike and all the others did.
Someone from Signal Cartel would be perfect. They are neutral to everyone and interfere in no one’s play style and as an odd side effect understand things from a wider perspective in a lot of cases.
There’s also Dutch Gunner who is someone who knows so much about Eve that in the case of the Triglavians CCP thought for a bit they had an internal leak. This is a person that goes everywhere with large and small groups and does everything while taking notes.
This is important, I think Mike is one of the few people (and with him I will include what I call Rookie Help Lifers) who make the difference between people quiting after the first week and staying in Eve. I actually have a bunch of ships I’ve made for him, I just keep forgetting to move them to the places he operates.
That give me something to do today!
I’m not bitter at them, they didn’t set up how they get elected (I don’t think… Oh hell… That’s a weird thought). I got pissed of at Brisc some time ago watching him argue with someone, but later found out that it was an argument that spanned a lot more than just one thread and white possibly a number of years. Still, lawyers make good shark bait and I think sharks are magnificent creatures.
What I would like to see is the CSM getting more balanced by players, I would like it to be set up as one player equaling one vote (none of this, they who have the most characters wins nonsense) and once that’s accomplished they should have veto power for when CCP is about to do something dastardly. The inability for them to, at the very least, say “oh ■■■■ no!” is one of the key things that makes me think of them as a placebo.
Stop trying, guessing quantum numbers isn’t something that will be humanly possible untill long after we evolve out of needing to have a physical body.
Also she’s 42. So is Eve, strangely enough. Coincidence? I think not!
I hope that helps.
You know whats sad? EVeryone thinks that for the game to innovate it has to filter through the CSM. The CSM is untrained and unskilled and full of motives that go beyond the health of this game (Whether they capable of understaning this themselves or not).
The CSM is a sad joke and the fact you don’t have representation means CCP has to actually own up and be accountable to an area of space…so be optimistic about what meddling you dont have.
Maybe because the ‘wormhole lords’ are total donkeys? Nobody likes wormholers? Maybe? They just clean out everything they see?? Yeah??? Maybe that’s why nobody wants to vote for wormholers???
Don’t get me wrong, it’s sad and pathetic to see the SSDD CSM, but as despised as they are they still beat out wormholers. Maybe look at yourselves??? As I like to tell an idiot tech I supervise often… ‘Maybe look in the mirror and you’ll see why you constantly fail and have so many problems’. (he likes to point fingers at everyone and everything else… nothing could possibly be his own fault.)