Worst Job?

Pit crew for my uncle’s clockwork motorcycle racing team back home.


Being escort for a VIP.
Or standing a guard duty where you can’t even move a toe or scratch your nose.

I was a hand model for a jewellery designer when I was in my late teens &early twenties. Long before I became a capsuleer and studied archaeology.

Enduring society and the slew of spiritual jarheads.

Stationkeeper. It’s like being a babysitter but also with the responsibilities of a mayor.

Roam free while you can, pilots, don’t settle down too fast!

I would have to say that my worst job ever would have to be my current one. I am working as a freelance miner, pulling 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week, filling up my ore hold before hauling it back to my refinery to throw them into the ore reprocessor. Do you know how much veldspar dust dries out your skin? I’ve aged 5 years in the past 6 past months!

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smuggling boosters and dealing with sleazy customs officers who never shut up. Every second listening to them talk just goes on and on without end it’s excruciating

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