Would like to find out more about Michael

True, me too, but he is Frostpacker, he often does things differently for the sake of it, so wouldn’t put it past him for doing just that. :upside_down_face:

But as I wrote it was just a guess and didn’t seem too likely, just not impossible either.

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I hate to disagree, but I think he is talking about you. I see a covert “call to arms” in the OP.

Time will tell.

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I think you overlooked this statement in the OP:

So yeah, I don’t think he’s talking about me since my first name is DeMichael…


Maybe he’s talking about your father then. :thinking: :smirk: :wink:


Michael really does not know how paranoid I am and I don’t know but guess it was just a miss click the other day when Michael set this pilot to good standing.

So I needed support from the community here is the reason why I had made this thread.

So paranoid in fact we had not logged into anyone, which could mean we had been ganked.

Don’t mean to affect the rest here outside of sharing what they know about who is Michael!

Treat it as you may, I’m not crazy, just extremely paranoid!

Conclusion: (not very surprising one at that) Never overestimate a Frostpacker.

:wink: :thinking: :blush:

Who knows, you may never know in EVE, maybe he’s Aiko’s alt. Maybe he’s a meanie and will awox you when the moment is right, or help you in your career beyond your wildest expectation. There’s only one way to find out. :wink:



No no your thinking of Dave but I think Kevin knows Michael

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:hushed: Well, I’m not sure what to think now…

Yeah, I gave his character good standing status… :thinking: mainly because he gave me 1 bill isk during the Holiday Season. Granted that standing status was done a little late…

Anyway, I don’t think that info needed to be made public, definitely didn’t need to create a thread about it… And one more thing, my name is DeMichael… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Edit: Speaking of which you are not the only one who finds his activities troubling:

And of course this is just one example for such feedback (just too lazy to dig up the rest). :stuck_out_tongue:


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I’m guessing that Uriel is rather ingenious to have shared such about you Michael!

Maybe the De comes later


If there was no screenshot to confirm it it would be a funny thought if he just sent it to the wrong person by accident. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent: :blush:

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Maybe it was meant for @Mike_Azariah and DMC got it instead

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Nah he sent it to DMC because he added him with good standings.

Gave it to him months ago

Ok, not sure what this is all about and I definitely don’t think making a public thread was necessary. Now if you have any questions you can send me an in-game mail message.

Also my name is DeMichael but you can call me DMC… just like most of the community does.

OK, that’s not funny and I don’t particularly like the implication of that statement…


No, I gave the good standing status months later after a large amount of ISK was donated to me. Unfortunately the wallet history only goes back 6 months so I can’t show the transaction.

However there is some mail correspondence about that transaction…


Oh right. Then why did he send it? Maybe it was a mistake after all?! :thinking:

The mystery gets deeper with every post (especially ones by Mr Frostpacker himself). :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Edit after @Ax_l_Thorne 's reply:

Uh oh…


The mail correspondence shows why it was sent, it was for helping some players here in the forums…

By the way, instead of tagging, how about flagging that Thorne Troll post for flushing, definitely don’t need that :poop: stinking up the thread…