Would you gank someone?

it it not just short for ‘gang kill’ (many v 1)?
Urban Dictionary: gank (third definition)

I’m not interested in isk.

This isn’t piracy, it’s law enforcement.

Empty freighters are just as illegal as full ones.

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I suppose you wouldn’t want to make a list of legal ships, empty of full?
Let me guess, Corvettes and pods?

She seems pretty jealous of that mere 1 bil ISK as if she was space poor or something.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent:

Anyway related question: is it ganking or awoxing if you invite a fellow capsuleer or few over for tea then gank them on their way? Maybe it is both? :thinking:


If you require the assistance of a space attorney…

…my standard retaining fee is a mere 1 billion isk.

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Just wait till they replace their canine suit with a Bugs Bunny one. :wink:


Not a problem. I will retain your services in a few months…
So no list, not even a hint. lol I love you.

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“legal” ships.
Paying “Rent”

…are we playing the same game??

Pay me the Billion. I can tell you right now.
This is your list:
Any ship piloted by anyone who isn’t in her corporation.

Now, pay up!

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But but I only 100,166,739!

Then you owe me 900M

You mean.

I’m learning to be a ganker. I just started Ganking 101 class.

Now caugh it up!!

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But I’ll be broke!

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I bet I get a billion isk, and you don’t.


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I already have way more than a billion.

I bet she joins my corporation and not yours :smiley:

My corporation only recruits the Elite.

Then her candidature is secured within my corporation.

I don’t think she will join a plebcorp.