Would you want an EVE Online Event for a shorter high-sec Amarr-Jita route?

“Your play style/actions says a lot about who and what you’re like in real life.”

Would players (you) want a EVE Online Event they could choose a side, either help recreate a shorter high-sec Amarr-Jita route or be on the opposing side to stop that route from being built?

I am proposing an event players would decide the final outcome the route is built or not. Most events are a storyline event. Those event outcomes already had been decided by the EVE devs at CCP. Most players shortly forget they had happened. It also gets tiring reading players repeatedly writing in feedbacks against CCP like “they don’t play the game” or “they don’t know”. Let’s change the tempo on that and have something the players themselves will determine their EVE future. The event I’m proposing would change many things in this EVE universe if a new route was made or we (EVE players) could decide have nothing changed. When this event ends, all the players who participated in the event would be awarded medals for the side they had chosen. They can display proof to others they took part wanting a better future in EVE or show they didn’t want a shorter Amarr-Jita route and preferred the game remain as it is in now.

A month ago I had submitted to EVE support a four-page outlined EVE Online Event proposal for a shorter Amarr-Jita route that would last 5 weeks long. Each week would be evolving with more new changes, plot twists, and mystery (hints/rumors) something(s) else bigger was planned and was being built than just a new route. Big projects involve lots of resources and those reserve requests needed more than just building a couple of jump gates. Any guesses what those projects were? I’m not giving away those end game spoilers. Mining, fighting, discovery, and rewards were included. The proposal involved more than just the four major empires. Capsuleers could change their side who to support each week because near the end the Deathless Circle and the Triglavians had also took notice wanting some of that new gate technology and ‘not in my neighborhood will that be built’. A medal was awarded at the end to the capsuleers for which of the different empires or factions they had last chosen to represent. Every EVE player could partake in this event. No high skill or pimped out ship requirement as some prior events had ‘suggested’ is needed. Rookie or veteran, it doesn’t matter. I would’ve liked the event to happen. I had provided ideas for more content. And it was open for improvement and possible future tie-ins. My proposal to EVE support was replied in 8 minutes with, ‘I understand your concerns. Any feedback from our players is taken very seriously and we appreciate your contribution.’ I was expecting it at least be forwarded to an EVE dev development or content team that would at least read and reply about my proposal. Because, I was happy reading CCP had posted wanting new content ideas from the EVE players. I must had misread the ‘new content wanted’ was actually meant for a different new EVE game was soon to be released. Well, I didn’t give up.

This is a game changing EVE Event decided by the players. Many changes will happen suddenly and also have future influences. Yes, it will be a shorter time to transverse. And most all players can recognize it will change many market prices and availability throughout the universe. But some may not realize this would also affect the nul alliances availability to get supplies for their wars. I salute the architect who figured out sending a fleet of Drakes into Niarja could split the universe in half to deprive the other nul alliances from Amarr supplies. Absolute genius moves. The ‘pilots online’ number was 37,000- 42,000 players before that system had fell. Is it correct to assume the new traveled route is one of the contributing factors why the player count had fallen? Wanted or not, I can think of more positive reasons why to have a shorter route than continue using the current route.

The proposed weekly evolving storylines are to draw as many players into the event. Online game reviews would write positively CCP had listened to their players wanting new content and created an event for EVE players to decide on the outcome and future. Other gaming companies would take notice and they would be interested in this too. With that positive news it would draw in some new players, bring back some past players, and would uplift some existing players moral in the game. CCP can use this event as good advertising and marketing. Sounds like a money-making game event and revive more life into the game because the EVE players requested for it to happen.

Before I had made the first event proposal, I had asked in local and rookie chats, “Do players want a shorter Amarr-Jita route?” The few who did reply back was 100%, “Yes”. Noone had replied, “No.” I was also getting disappointed receiving mails from couriers decided to quit EVE because how long that route was and/or losing their savings to the numerous gate campers. All of us players know the current route is not easy. Even CCP had made warnings in their news articles about FW sometimes over lapping it and about the gate camping choke points on that route. If CCP is posting news warnings to players about the route, then it sure sounds more than just a ‘concern.’ Even they don’t like the current situation. That route had been mentioned in negative online gamer reviews too. What I am perceiving is everyone is acknowledging this route is a problem. So, let’s have it changed.

Please don’t make this a short event. If short, then it would feel as if it was just handed to the players. And there is no reason for this be implemented as part of a major update. Stay on your course as planned and sneak this event in between those scheduled future major updates. The new route would change the EVE universe in many ways lasting many years, so make it an epic event that would be remembered years after. Make it five weeks long with some meat on the bone. Surprise the players each week with new plot twists so at the end they’ll ask in a daze, “Did we win?” Will there be basement dwelling lambasting critics of it? There always are.

Not everyone wants the change. After my proposal was declined, I had found a previous closed link proposing for a shorter route. The replies continued getting more toxic to each other. Players wanted their own empires with no connecting outside gates or have their own private constellations. Some wanted their own markets with no competing players. Notable are the EVE players posting (and in chats) they’re the ones who ‘bring content to this dead game’ plus blatantly state they didn’t care if they make/made other players quit. Well than, let’s chop those trees down so you can see the forest.

Some players suggest using the worm holes or cut through camped low-sec systems. Or watch the (their) streamed videos of wreckages how to do it better. Form a large fleet and pray some will survive through the choke points. Or ‘just learn how to play the game better’ and become a pro like they are.

The most strategic high-sec system in EVE is Uedama. All high-sec trade lanes have to funnel through that one system to/from Jita between the other three EVE empires. One corporation residing there often gate camps placing 80-130 ships at each gate daily inside that system on the weekends. Some streamed nul-sec battles don’t involve that many ships. And if CCP and the weekly Community Beat post pride of the large combat battle loses then it’s only fair they would also have pride sharing how much loss was from destroyed haulers and freighters in Uedama. Sometimes the ISK loss in Uedama were greater than in those ‘epic’ fleet battles that day they had wrote about. It’s true. Share to the players how happy you are and tell the players they should be happy too about those gate camping numbers. I had never read CCP or Community Beat sharing their pride to players in any of those huge ISK losses or number of ships destroyed from that continuous gate camping done in that system. Just brief caution warnings without details to players why. And they won’t because that promotes negativity about the game to both the players and outside gaming community.

In Rookie Help Chat, one week before the 2024 Crimson Harvest event started, some players in chat had advised they were and to others should also play a different game while that October event was happening because of the relentless gauntlet of gate campers would be waiting on that route. That was the advice to new players in Help were being told to do, play a different game. No ISD was there. No-one corrected their advice. I was silent in shock because I knew it was true.

The Crimson Harvest event nearly shuts down all of the hauler and freighter transporting between Amarr and Jita. Transport corp CEOs had told their members to cease transporting before that event began. After that October event CCP awarded a one week of Omega available to all accounts. That is an additional two weeks of shutdown because many players convert their Alphas into Omega gate campers. The Cyber Monday and holiday sells cometh and will continue disrupting that lane. Last year it took five months before that route returned to normal because the FW had later converted several systems on that route into low-sec mode after the holidays ended. Ah, it was a feast for those gate campers waiting there when that bot mining/hauling app kept feeding them ships. Yes, players in a local chat were laughing about how big those fields of wreckages were at the gates. It‘s not a secret about that app, I still sometimes see it posted on MS after the EVE MS EXCEL was implemented. I first wrongly had assumed it was news about EVE. ‘Click’ – Damn it! It was click-bait for a EVE bot. I had failed to see it had the word ‘Ad’ at the bottom. So yes, a botting app also uses that route too. Right now, there are 194 available courier contracts at Amarr waiting to be shipped out. The norm is 45. Jita also has two pages of courier contracts waiting there too. I’m watching now the local Amarr chat players are exchanging anger about this CCP creation. I say nothing but read. As the local’s rage in chat, I keep recalling I’ve read in two different online gaming reviews about EVE that CCP ‘rewards bad behavior.’

My suggestion is with this event proposal everyone in EVE would be given a chance to do something about it. I believe the shorter high-sec route will be better, but not perfect. It will never be 100% safe. Instead of the numerous player posts and stream rantings that CCP needs to do something about it, I had sent a workable outlined event proposal to CCP I thought had good story plots because each week was dynamic and players would like it because they could choose a different side each week and trying beat the other empires and factions from winning. They would feel they were part of the EVE history making.

Some of you may had recognize me from a prior rage in a Patch Notes - General Feedback two years ago. I’m the one who was having a meltdown against the new improved player experience update of bold bright fonts, vibrant colors, box framing, and sizes. Immediately the prior feedback player posters and moderator(s) stopped posting how great that update was and they’ve became very defensive after I had posted. The CCP staff had stopped posting (they ran away) leaving a lone CSM to confront the hoard bearing torches that came, because numerous other players had than started responding it was indeed riddled with problems & visual challenges and they were now focusing on specific changes needing to be made. And the changes did come. Yes, I’m that nearly blind EVE player who made that post. I would be identified as the one wearing a black EVE cap and with the folding white cane if I ever attend a EVE fanfest. You enjoy a lot of things in the game EVE and real world I often struggle daily to visually perceive. This time I’m advocating for an event proposal for a shorter high-sec Amarr-Jita route I believe players would enjoy playing. I’m asking, would YOU also want that? I am stepping up for those 100% players who had said ‘yes’ (includes you too CCP) wanting a change. In the rules, with enough players replying they too want a change or a deciding event for a shorter high-sec route, then (maybe) CCP votes to make a ‘Collaboration Change’. Just like that player ‘inspired’ handshake icon sometimes seen in those weekly updates. It makes no sense to me why CCP would decline creating the event if the players are requesting for it, would draw in new players, get positive reviews, and CCP could profit from it. I am assuming most of you are glad I had spoken up proposing a fun event for the EVE players. And I’m assuming CCP would be happy receiving an unexpected reasonable future event content/plan from a EVE player for the players. How sad, I could be wrong and I was just expecting too much. Maybe you can forward this post to your social app for others to read. My sight is poor, but my vision wanting a better gaming future for the EVE Online players is very good.

CCP, “Our mission is to create virtual worlds more meaningful than real life.”

“Your play style/actions says a lot about who and what you’re like in real life”, EVE Online player, Auri Frostmaiden.

My question is >> Would players (you) want a EVE Online Event they could choose a side, either help recreate a shorter high-sec Amarr-Jita route or be on the opposing side to stop that route from being built?


No, I dont want shorter JIta-Amarr route.


TL;DR that ridiculous wall of text.

Short answer: no. In fact, I want an EVE event to lower the security in all Empire border systems to 0.4.


Ahbazon is rarely camped, though I agree that requiring a scout is bad.

TLDR that infinite wall of letters.

Pass. I do not see any real purpose or benefit to anyone with this idea.

I would actually prefer for there to be more low sec between the Empires. Cut off all the high sec routes to Jita. Make all the border systems low sec. Encourage capsuleers to either support their chosen Empires or be pirates living on the edges. If one wants inter-empire trade, bring an armed escort, or use Jump freighters.


I would rather see a “global” market skill, allowing a trader to see orders across all regions and buy frok anywhere (at L5), as well as place Buy orders globally. But the physical separation of the regions should remain (much like the Suez canal etc IRL).


This proposal would be have been better before lancer dreadnoughts stun locking a jump freighter in warp to gates was a thing.

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Honestly, the more low sec to high sec systems there are, the more likely there will not be a lancer camp. Most of their kills are also in Wormholes or Null. Only 3 lancer kills in Tama and 2 in Ahbazon last month…not much of an issue tbh.


We need longer or more dangerous routes between trade hubs to encourage lively trade hubs, not shorter routes.

All a shorter route does between trade hubs is let everyone in Amarr think ‘why not get that item in Jita instead cheaper’, which solidifies Jita as the one and only trade hub and kills Amarr.

I think the game would do better with multiple trade hubs instead of only Jita, and I think longer or more dangerous routes are the way to do that.


There are 3 other trade hubs. But Jita is the popular one. the 4 are Jita 4-4, Dodixie(sp?), Amarr, and Rens Personally I can get a good prices at dodixie more than at Jita 4-4.

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No, I don’t want events. I want a sandbox where I’m not certain to Lose everytime I turn around.
Whatever CCP decides to do with the markets is fine with me.

When traveling from Amarr to Jita, just don’t jump from Shera to Ahbazon, travel one system more to Lor and jump from Lor to Ahbazon, that gate is never camped (at least I have never seen a camp there, if campers are active they either camp the Hykotta or the Shera gate). Then warp to Hykotta and jump out, deal done.

From Jita to Amarr is a bit more tricky, but Filaments and WHs often offer nice shortcuts.

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Let me introduce you to a game called Eve Online. Where at any time you can lose your ship and everything on it. Also on any none NPC station that has your things in it. Can be blown to s**t in a war. As long as you in the game you, me, and every player runs the very real risk of losing things. it is that risk that I love the game for… The bigger risk the bigger gain.

So you like to pay for a game where you lose all the time. Ok. You do you, lol.

Gain? Gain what, some worthless pixel money? :rofl: Even monopoly bills are more real than that, lol.

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If I lose a ship. And I have only lost two to this date. I consider it a learning experience. I do not whine about it.
It is not a losing for me in anyway. It is just part of the game. Eve Online never guaranteed me that flying safe was ever going to happen. I accepted that challenge from the moment I knew I wanted to go Omega.

I do not know what games you play. Game money is just a convenient way of buying things in game. Also With Isk you can buy Plex. So in this game Isk does have a comparable real money worth. Which is why when the big Alliances and Corps go after each other. You will sometimes hear that in real world money. Ships, structures, and loss of modules can run into the thousands, if not the ten of thousands of dollars.

From day one Eve has always been about blowing things up. It is not about losing. It is about flying smarter and better than you did before.

What game you think Eve is still a good question.

You seem to have a rather negative attitude, so I don’t know whether or not this will fall on deaf ears. Regardless, let me just say this: we all have bad luck and bad days. We all lose sometimes. If you’re truly losing all the time then you should consider that perhaps you’re doing something wrong. Maybe you’re trying to tackle a challenge you aren’t prepared for yet, or you’re misunderstanding the “rules” of the area of space you’re operating in or the kind of content you’re trying to pursue.

The way to handle that is not to come to the forums and complain that the game is one “where you lose all the time.” Because that simply isn’t true. There are a lot of people playing this game who are not losing all the time.

The better approach would be to come to the forums and say, “I am doing X and having Y problem. Am I doing something wrong? What should I be doing differently?” You’ll probably find that someone will be quick to help and point you in the right direction (as I am trying to do now).

Best of luck.


You don’t like the game but do like making new forum posting alts for such a game?

Ok. You do you, lol.


Yes, that’s an automated “We received your ticket” acknowledgement. Most help systems work that way so you get confirmation your report actually went through.

You have a wall of text and no particular reason for anyone to read it. It’s great that you’re invested enough in the game to want to contribute to it. But keep in mind that 498 out of 500 “player idea submissions” are written by people who have no concept of programming, game design, or even the overall EVE big picture of what’s involved in various changes.

So it’s basically a complete waste of time for people who are programmers and game designers to read random player submissions. For instance, I often point out that CCP maybe isn’t doing the greatest game design on this or that. That doesn’t mean I expect them to be reading my posts and taking notes on how they’re going to restructure their game.

If you truly think your idea is well designed, well balanced, and to the benefit of EVE… then do up a proposal with an executive summary and highlights at the top, all that massive wall of text stuff broken up into hidden ‘spoiler’ type text blocks, and post it on Reddit. Get some community backing on it, tag a couple CSM member names in it to get their attention.

Get enough people in the community talking about it and maybe, maybe a year or two down the road some aspects of it might trickle through to a dev design team. Just don’t expect to toss a mishmash of text at an automated reporting system and think that someone who’s getting paid to do professional work is going to sit down and evaluate it.